Bisphenol-A, a dangerous component in bottles

He Bisphenol-A (or BPA) compound is a chemical that can carry health risks. It is used for the manufacture of many plastics, tin cans ... And bottles usually contain this element in the polycarbonate with which most are manufactured.

When buying a bottle, I followed my matron's advice and found one that is free of bisphenol-A. We already speak in Babies and more of the suspicions that fell on this component.

More and more new research points to the fact that BPA can be carcinogenic and bring various alterations to the body, from obesity to diabetes or fertility problems.

This is what emerges from more and more studies around the world that provide data on the risks of this component. The danger is that when the bottle heats up, bisphenol-A releases particles that pass into the food, thereby penetrating the digestive system. If the bottle is used to give unheated water, there would be no problem.

The researches of the doctor Angel Nadal, director of the Unit of Cellular Physiology and Nutrition of the Institute of Bioengineering of the Miguel Hernández University of Elche, who has been studying the effects of bisphenol-A for 10 years, provide data on the multiple risks of BPA.

According to the statements of the specialist in the journal XLSemanal, exposure to low levels of this component in rats and mice,

It can disturb developmental hormones, stimulate precocious puberty, affect fertility, increase the number of adipocytes (fat cells), induce precancerous alterations in cells and even favor the appearance of behavioral problems. In addition, we have proven that the same levels of bisphenol-A detected in the American population can affect pancreatic cells and be a risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes.

To give another example, a team of scientists from Tufts University (Boston) showed that exposure of pregnant rats to low doses of BPA causes premature puberty of the young. Further,

The breast tissue of these offspring showed alterations that suggested greater susceptibility to cancer. When we exposed the offspring to a carcinogen, they showed that they were more likely to develop abnormal tissue or cancer than those not exposed to BPA in their fetal or prenatal period.

Of course the chemical industry Try not to panic and provide different data to reassure and not to demonize bisphenol-A, which has been used for 40 years. Certain sectors also indicate that the results obtained in rats cannot be extended to humans.

It's sad that economic interests can move us away from a reality that can be dangerous. Sad and habitual. As always, more research will have to be done to confirm these dangers.

For the moment, and given the increasing impact and evidence of these negative effects of BPA, I have opted for a bottle that does not contain it.

Glass remains the most "chemically" harmless material, but can be more dangerous because of its risk of breakage. We have already commented on the trend towards a return to glass bottles, but with protectors.

Video: DermTV - Is BPA in Skincare Containers Safe Epi #368 (July 2024).