Does the disorder generate stress? Five keys to maintaining order in a house with children

Are you one of those people to whom the disorder causes stress? You are not a freak. On the contrary, it is scientifically proven that having the house upside down, toys thrown on the floor and a pile of dirty dishes in the sink generates anxiety in some people. And although it is not usually considered a source of stress, homes and messy work spaces cause anxiety, and make us feel helpless and overwhelmed.

The disorder can play an important role in how we feel about our homes, our workplaces and ourselves. But when there are children at home, order may seem unrealistic unattainable. Nor do we have to become obsessed, since children are children, but we give you some keys that will help you maintain order in a house with children.

Why does the disorder stress us?

I feel so identified with this idea that the disorder generates anxiety that is like saying "Finally someone understands me". Does it happen to you too? These are some of the reasons why it stresses us to have everything out of place.

  • We are overwhelmed by the chaos of excess stimuli.
  • We do not know where to start picking up.
  • It distracts us from other things we would like to focus on.
  • It prevents us from relaxing and enjoying; There is always something to order.
  • We get the feeling that work at home never ends.
  • It prevents us from being creative and productive.
  • It prevents us from finding what we need, and this causes us to waste time and sometimes also money.

It affects women more

According to research conducted by the UCLA Life and Family Center on family behaviors, women are more affected by disorder than men.

Among their conclusions, they found that women in disorderly homes have higher cortisol levels, known as the stress hormone.

Tricks to keep order at home

May all help

Involving order and cleanliness to all family members, including the smallest, is an excellent measure to implement from today. You can make a weekly organization chart with the tasks that each one has to deal with. We will have to be patient with the little ones, but if we are constant, over time it will help them feel autonomous and independent.

Create storage spaces

Procure that everything has a place where it can be stored. Look for toys in an appropriate place according to the ages of your children. For example, if you have children of different ages, keep tall the toys of the elderly that may contain small parts or dangerous batteries for the little ones.

You can even label the spaces so that children know where everything is going, and so it will be easier for them to keep everything in order. And we don't talk only about toys, but about clothes, kitchenware ... It is important to involve children in the general order of the house.

Pick up after playing, clean up after getting dirty

It is important to teach children to pick up their toys after playing, brushes after painting or cleaning if they get dirty. If we are consistent and consistent they will end up incorporating it as a routine and this, over time, will help keep the house in order.

You have to be patient and avoid anger, because if we shout and scold them for not picking up they will end up seeing it as a punishment. It must be something that you naturally incorporate as part of the daily routine.

Reduce the amount of toys and objects

The less toys, the less things to collect. In the end children don't need so many toys; having too many toys overstimulates them, does not allow them to be creative and they end up not valuing what they have.

So, sign up for minimalism, reduce the amount of toys, as well as the amount of objects you have at home and see how your life is simplified.

Just relax

Finally, a tip that I know costs if you suffer with the disorder, but it is also important to keep in mind. Having the house impeccable with young children is practically a utopia, so do "turn a blind eye" from time to time and enjoy the beautiful chaos in which parents live and think that they will not be children all their lives. Take advantage now that they are small because they will be children only once.

Video: From Clutter to Clarity. Kerry Thomas. TEDxAshburn (July 2024).