Drug use during pregnancy causes neurological problems in the baby

As one researcher indicates, babies whose mothers have used drugs during pregnancy have a much higher risk of premature birth and less weight. These two reasons will serve to mark a predisposition to suffer certain health problems throughout his life.

The neurological problems of these babies are varied and are easily detected, have a lot of irritability and various behaviors associated with a malfunction of the central and autonomous nervous system. They are compelling reasons to avoid using drugs, not only during pregnancy, but throughout life.

In Valencia the XXXIV National Days of Socidrogalcohol are celebrated, in them, the experts worldwide analyze all the data that they have obtained at a particular and general level about the investigations they have carried out. Among some of the final conclusions that they have presented, is the one we have mentioned, Drug use during pregnancy causes neurological problems in the baby. There can be no doubt, drugs produce toxic effects on fetuses, however, we must understand the problem suffered by drug addicts and try to help them by all means to stop the fatal vice.

It is a fish that bites its tail, a drug-dependent mother is not the ideal model for her child, education can be very different and children see and learn aspects that will contribute to improperly train them in various facets. To tackle these possible consequences, we must address future moms who have this type of problem, help them psychologically and educate them so that tomorrow the child they expect is what they would want from a child.

Video: Beyond Addiction. The Center For Addiction and Pregnancy (July 2024).