What will i feel? The most frequent discomforts in the first trimester of pregnancy

As soon as you find out that you are waiting for a baby, or maybe before you know it, the typical discomfort of the first trimester of pregnancy. The first weeks are the most intense in terms of discomfort, since at the beginning of pregnancy there is a great hormonal alteration. From the fourth month on, the woman's body adapts to the new situation and most of the discomfort disappears, or at least remits.

Each stage of pregnancy is wonderful, but to a lesser or greater extent all pregnant women suffer from the characteristic discomfort caused by the changes that occur in their body. In this post we will focus on the first quarter discomfort and in the subsequent ones we will devote ourselves to the most frequent discomforts in the second trimester and the most frequent discomforts in the third trimester.

Swelling and tenderness in the breasts

The most noticeable nuisance of the first trimester, and in some women the first pregnancy symptom, is swelling and tenderness in the breasts.

From the first days, the breasts begin to prepare for breastfeeding. High levels of progesterone and estrogens make them grow and become more sensitive, so much that sometimes they hurt the slightest touch of clothing.

It may be necessary to adjust the bra size, to one or two sizes, due to the enlargement of the breasts. Those of cotton fabric are preferable, without seams or rings that can bother.

After the first trimester this hypersensitivity usually remits, although it may not always, while during the second and third trimesters the breasts continue to grow and accumulate fat.


Another of the most common discomforts in the first weeks of pregnancy are nausea. Some women do not feel them, but others take it really badly, even vomiting several times a day.

It is not known for sure why they feel nauseous, it has even been said that they could be psychological, but the most widespread theory is that they are due to rapid elevation of chorionic gonadotropin hormone levels human secreted by the placenta.

They are usually accompanied by intolerance and aversion to certain foods, as well as repulsion to some odors that increase the feeling of discomfort.

They can appear at any time of the day, although morning sickness is more common after a long fast. In some women they persist throughout pregnancy, however they usually disappear or at least remit towards the beginning of the second trimester.

It is recommended to do small and frequent meals, prefer carbohydrates and avoid copious foods and overly fatty foods, fried foods, as well as coffee and tobacco.

Many women turn to natural remedies such as ginger infusion, although not all are effective

In any case, nausea does not affect the baby at all, unless the vomiting is very intense and the mother loses too much weight or is at risk of dehydration, as occurs in hyperemesis gravidarum.

Tiredness and sleep

He general tiredness and the desire to sleep at all hours It is another of the most typical discomforts of the first weeks. The woman's body is experiencing a great change, both physical and emotional. It increases the blood volume, the heart and the organs involved work more than usual, in addition the placenta and the main organs of the baby are formed, so it is normal that there is a greater consumption of energy.

The woman feels tired and sleepy, and if we add to this the discomfort from vomiting and emotional stress, it is logical that the body asks for rest. And now more than ever, for your health and that of your baby you must attend to their needs.

The best solution for tiredness and sleep in pregnancy is rest whenever you can. Any time is good to give a nod, nap, after lunch, before dinner and go to sleep earlier than usual. Healthy diet and moderate exercise also contribute to raising the energy level.


Although it is a more common discomfort towards the end of pregnancy, when the size of the gut compresses the digestive organs, it can also appear in the first trimester due to the action of the hormones involved in pregnancy.

It is normal to have the stomach upset feeling and that everything you eat makes you feel bad. Due to the increase in progesterone that relaxes the intestinal muscles, it is also common to have gases, which towards the end of the first trimester may become confused with the baby's first movements.

To keep this disorder at bay it is recommended to chew food well, eat slowly and of course, eat a healthy diet and avoid overly heavy meals that only aggravate the feeling of indigestion.

Excessive salivation

Another discomfort that appears in the beginning of pregnancy is excessive salivation or hypersalivation, perhaps one of the least known discomforts of pregnancy.

It is caused by hormonal changes in the first weeks that cause alterations in the mouth. It is associated with nausea, since swallowing excess saliva contributes to that feeling of discomfort or it may occur precisely when feeling nauseous.

To alleviate it, there are some tricks such as eating a slice of whole wheat bread or light cookies and brushing your teeth. Lemon sodas or drinking a glass of water with a slice of lemon are also recommended.


It is normal during the first months of pregnancy to feel dizzy. They happen when there is a drop in blood pressure, something that can happen when the woman's body is adapting to the new situation.

May appear at any moment of the day, but it is more likely to get dizzy after eating or when getting up abruptly.

If you feel dizzy, you have to lie with your legs up or sitting with your head between your knees to facilitate blood return. Always carry a candy in your bag just in case, if you feel a drop in tension, a candy will help raise blood sugar.


Hormonal changes that occur in the first trimester can cause severe headaches. In some women the usual headaches intensify while others feel them for the first time in pregnancy.

The increase in the volume of blood circulation and the decrease in blood glucose contribute to the appearance of a very intense and characteristic headache that is concentrated on both sides of the head and neck.

To alleviate it, you can follow some tips such as: making several meals a day to avoid a lack of sugar, exercising moderately to facilitate blood circulation, lying on the left side, massaging the temples, resting and placing cold compresses on the forehead.

If the pain is very intense and persistent and does not remit after the first trimester, it is advisable to consult with the doctor as it could be a symptom of preeclampsia.

Nasal congestion

By the second month of pregnancy, the woman may have the sensation of being cold without being cracked. Is the call pregnancy rhinitis caused by dilation of blood vessels. Congestion itself may cause nosebleeds.

Try to avoid very dry environments, irritating substances such as perfumes, smoke, drink plenty of fluids, get nasal washes with physiological saline and try not to blow your nose too hard to avoid bleeding.