"Sombras en el arcoiris", the first FCE book in Mexico that addresses the issue of sexual diversity

During the month of June LGBT pride is celebrated worldwide, a celebration that seeks to promote tolerance and inclusion.

Although the topic has been present in Mexico for years, the first children's book by the Fund of Economic Culture in which the issue of sexual diversity is addressed.

"Shadows in the rainbow"is a book by Mónica B. Brozon with illustrations by Raúl Nieto Guridi in which we read about Constanza, a 10-year-old girl who knows her brother Jero better than anyone else and with whom she has a very close relationship.

The story, told from Constance's point of view, talks about how she knows that her brother is different from other children and that sometimes worries him when he sees that he gets sad. His concern for him increases as he learns that his brother is in love and has decided to tell his parents about his feelings. However, as the reading progresses she will realize that expressing what she feels to her parents is only one of the different situations her brother will face.

The book tells what many children live today, who wonder why some people are different from others and therefore suffer some kind of violence or discrimination.

The intention of the book is what Constanza concludes: being different is not a bad thing. It seeks to promote respect and acceptance of all people, regardless of their preference or sexual orientation.

According to information published in Millennium last year, Mexico ranks second worldwide in homophobia crimes, just below Brazil. In the last 20 years there have been 1,310 homophobia homicides in our country, hate crimes that are caused by the lack of tolerance and acceptance of gender identity.

The importance of inclusion in children

Why is this book relevant? In the first place, because it is the first one that is written by an editorial of the Mexican State thinking about the youngest readers who talk about sexual diversity.

It presents real situations that any family could be living. He could be the brother of one of those children, perhaps his best friend or even themselves. This book promotes an important message that is very necessary in these times: equality and love.

Education based on tolerance, acceptance and respect will make the difference between our children being bullies or empathic people. If we are taught since childhood all people deserve the same respect regardless of their religion, gender identity, race, age, nationality or ideology, the world may be a better and more peaceful place.

Video: Ellen Gets Into Her Staff's Facebook! (July 2024).