Elections 20N: PP electoral proposals for families

In a few days the Spaniards will go to the polls to decide who will rule the country for the next four years. Although in these times of crisis the focus is on economic and labor proposals, for whom we are parents it is also important to know the electoral proposals aimed at families. Knowing them can help us make a better decision when voting, so in Babies and more we present the proposals of the main political parties.

We will start with the proposals of the Popular Party and in a next post we will focus on the proposals of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE).

In their “100 proposals for change”, the PP presents a summary of its electoral program with which it attends the elections of November 20.

Among that hundred proposals are, of course, those focused on labor, tax, housing, infrastructure, new technology, and other more focused on education, work and family reconciliation, and in general, policies aimed at families .

Let's see what are the PP electoral proposals for families:


We need the education system to have families and trust their decisions. We are committed to a quality public education, and a plural educational offer of social initiative that allows us to respond to the ideology or pedagogical model preferences of families.


We want to count on families to return the dynamism to society; to improve education and transmit values ​​to our children. And for families to develop their invaluable work of social cohesion, they must have the strong support of public administrations.


Our equality policies will be aimed at allowing men and women to freely organize their personal projects and family responsibilities.

Work and family conciliation

We will approve a comprehensive plan to support the reconciliation of work, personal and family life of men and women, whose main purpose is the elimination of obstacles that limit this reconciliation. We will incorporate tax incentives for those companies that create daycare centers in their work centers. We will promote the flexibility of schedules at work and in schools, as well as measures to promote teleworking.

We will make more flexible the use of the time available to workers to deal with their own affairs, through a bag of hours that they can freely distribute.

Maternity and abortion

Motherhood must be protected and supported. We will promote a maternity protection law with support measures for pregnant women, especially those in difficult situations. We will promote maternity support networks. We will change the model of the current regulation on abortion to strengthen the protection of the right to life, as well as of minors.

Tax Reform

We will raise family minimums in personal income tax by adapting them better to the circumstances of taxpayers, especially in relation to large families.

Video: Spain: Topless FEMEN activists ambush Citizens' pro-surrogacy leader (July 2024).