Meghan Markle and Prince Harry introduce their baby, and she proudly shows off her postpartum belly

On May 6, Meghan Markle's first son and Prince Harry, the most anticipated baby in the United Kingdom, arrived in the world. The birth was surrounded by secrecy, and it still is, since it has not been officially communicated where it has occurred, nor how it has been.

Today, two days after birth, the Dukes of Sussex presented their baby to the media at Windsor Palace, where the three posed for the coveted first official photo as a family.

Meghan and Harry's #royalbaby makes his first appearance! "I have the two best guys in the world, so I'm really happy," says the Duchess of Sussex //

- CNN (@CNN) May 8, 2019
In Babies and more, it's a boy! Meghan Markle's son and Prince Harry have just been born

Meghan's postpartum belly

The first thing that attracts attention as soon as it appears is that, unlike other presentations of real babies (something that has surely been planned), it is that this time the baby is in the arms of the father, and not from the mother. The baby wears a hat and is wrapped in a blanket, so you can barely see her face.

But beyond the baby, and as expected, all media begin to talk about Meghan, the postpartum image that she transmits, and the inevitable comparison with his sister-in-law Kate Middleton.

As you know, when Louis, the third son of the Duchess of Cambridge, was criticized for posing only seven hours after giving birth, pretending to give an image of apparent perfection that for many hid the reality of postpartum.

Kate did not hide her belly and in that her sister-in-law Meghan wanted to follow in her footsteps, who wanted to give an image as natural as possible in its first appearance after delivery. Of course, it appears makeup and heels, something that royalty seems not to get rid of, but we can see it with a simple white dress tied above the waist that It does not pretend to hide its postpartum belly, and that in fact, accentuates it. You can also see the still swollen face and a certain gesture of tiredness, normal in a recent mother.

It's something that some Twitter users have also noticed, and have praised his attitude.

Very fan of Meghan Markle, making visible a REAL postpartum. But real in every way: he has presented the royal baby marking the belly that leaves a birth the day before. Because the real is normal. //

- Marta Hortelano (@MartaHortelano) May 8, 2019

I know little about royalty, I find out about his moves in the magazines that I read when I go to the hairdresser. But today I recognize that Meghan Markle's gesture of dating as a real postpartum woman has earned her a new fan. #SoyFanDeMeghan

- Juliana Eusse Guerra (@julieusse) May 8, 2019

The uterus multiplies its ability to house the baby, moving other organs from its place. At the end of pregnancy your height is six times greater than normal. Of course, this organ does not return to its original size overnight, and It's not something to hide. After the birth, the process of uterine involution occurs, in which the uterus needs between four and six weeks to return to the same as before.

Childbirth and baby's name

About the delivery did not reveal any details. It had been said that the Duchess of Sussex wanted to have a delivery in the palace, but apparently the plans changed since a week after the scheduled date, the baby did not arrive.

According to the British newspaper Daily Mail, the couple entered the hospital (Portland Hospital is believed to be) secretly during the early hours of Monday, only accompanied by their Scotland Yard security team. After delivery, they would have moved with the newborn to their home, also in secret.

Upgrade: As for the name, the Dukes of Sussex have just announced that their first child is called Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor. None of the favorite names in the bets that claimed to be called Arturo, Spencer, Alejandro or Jaime.

Video: Royal baby introduced by parents Prince Harry and Meghan Markle (July 2024).