Caring for a baby who cries a lot: the environment and the mother

We saw in the previous topic some guidelines that can be very useful if we have to attend to our baby in stages where he cries a lot without losing his nerve. Many of the things we have proposed are actions towards the child, to comfort him. But it is not the only thing we can consider.


Getting a proper environment is very important. Not all children are equal, as we are not all adults. Some need routines to feel good, others respond better to a changing environment and are more flexible with schedules, but in general, babies who cry a lot usually improve with a certain organization of routines, but without being obsessive.

What in my opinion most influences is the mental state of the mother, if she is overwhelmed if everything is not well measured the child perceives it, but if she is relaxed bathing at one hour or another does not matter too much. The question is to be comfortable and happy, not to do what customs or manuals say.

I have generally seen that children who are carried in a baby carrier adapt well to any schedule and situation, sleep and eat quiet glued to mom's body and can be almost anywhere where there is no excessive noise. In reality, children tend to adapt to what their mother usually does.


Forcing us to go to bed at eight o'clock when we are late at night or not going outside if we like to walk can make us so nervous that it ends up having an impact on the way we are with the baby. Y they perceive everything.

I don't want to say at all that we should live without schedules or without organization. A fridge full of food and a relaxing bath in the middle of the afternoon, shared if possible, help a lot to see things in the best way. And more with babies who cry a lot it is necessary to have enough space and time organized so as not to overwhelm us with more things.

Lie next to the baby when he sleeps and rests instead of doing laundry or cleaning the floor it also helps a lot to be in a better mood, especially if we get our partner or family members who are so eager to come home they realize that The best they can do for the baby is to take care of the housework so that Mom can rest as much as possible.

Visits and what they have to do

Home visits should be spaced and control. Newly born moms and newborn babies do not need a parade of family and friends with gifts and desire for talk or advice without much sense. They need cakes full of food, a house cleaning, help with the other children, practical and less invasive things possible in their intimacy under construction.

The house, for a child who cries a lot, should in principle not be a battleground for discussions but not a festival of overwhelming visits. Nor would we have to have television butt all day. A pleasant, soft and cheerful environment is the best for both the mother and the child. And above all, a lot of help from the real one.

Mom needs care

And, as in everything in life, if you have to deal with an exhausting task physically or emotionally, and take care of a baby it is, and even more so if it is a baby who cries a lot, it is important to face it rested.

So we come to one of the most important things to do to be able to care for a baby who cries a lot without losing his temper: take care of ourselves. Just as we have reviewed all the possible needs of the baby to have them all covered, our responsibility and that of our family is to ensure that our own needs are not neglected.

Do not, You can not take good care of a baby who cries a lot if we have not rested, eaten and we do not receive affection and emotional attention. This is a priority that we should be aware of and, above all, that it is essential that the environment understands. Visitors may be very excited to see the newborn, but they do not serve anything objectively necessary.

If they love our little one so much, what they can do best is to take care of us, give us emotional support, not judge, not intrude and above all take care of the physical, food and rest needs of any mother, especially with a baby who Cry a lot, precise.

Only if we are eating healthy and at regular intervals and resting as much as possible will we be in good condition to care for the child. And only if we feel loved can we face the difficulties of motherhood with serenity and strength.

The best advice to parents and family is this, make the mother feel very loved, protected and respected. With that she can be calm in the face of difficulties and can caring for a baby who cries a lot without losing his temper.

Video: Avoid baby crying at night by Women & Baby Care (July 2024).