Seven tips that help children better withstand the heat wave in schools

The course is about to end, but with the high temperatures we are having - to which children are especially vulnerable - every day it becomes more uphill to go to school.

With school yards at 40 degrees and classrooms above 30, what can parents do to help our children to fight the heat during the hours they spend in school? We give you a series of tips for this.

Fresh water always in your backpack

Following the rhythm of a class in a classroom where they exceed 30 degrees is a difficult task. Excessive heat will not only produce in children feeling of drowsiness, but also of discomfort and even lack of air.

With high temperatures, the body perspires more and if it does not receive a greater amount of fluid than it loses, dehydration occurs. Children are especially vulnerable to dehydration. since they only ask for water when they are really thirsty, and you never have to wait for the body to send us this signal to drink water.

Experiencing a lot of thirst and having a dry mouth are the first signs that dehydration has begun. Therefore, we recommend that you talk to your child and Explain the importance of drinking water continuously even if you are not thirsty.

If they are younger, the teachers will be in charge of reminding you continuously, but somewhat older children should know the importance of staying hydrated continuously both outside and inside the classrooms.

Healthy snack based on fresh fruit

Fruit is one of the best foods to fight heat, and in summer should never be missing in the backpack of the kids.

You can prepare a little cold fruit cut into pieces and put inside a tupper. This way you will keep the freshness until lunchtime. The best fruits to combat heat are watermelon, peach, mango, kiwi or strawberries, among others.

Sunscreen cream

Don't forget to take your child high-factor sunscreen cream before leaving home. Ideally, renew the cream every two to three hours (or even less time in cases of excessive sweating or baths), but as it seems difficult for children to remember to cream themselves, if they wear it at least at home they will endure protected while going out to the patio.

Insist on covering cream well, the areas of the body that are most exposed to the sun and that they are more sensitive, such as face, neck, never and arms.

Caps, caps or scarves

It is preferable to opt for a cap with a visor that protects the face from the sun but, in any case, Caps, caps or scarves are essential for children at this time of year. Put it in your backpack and remind him not to forget to put it on before going out to play in the yard.

Remind him to cool off before going out to the yard

Although in many schools, in the hottest days the caregivers and teachers are wetting and refreshing the students during the time they are in the yard, it does not hurt to remind your child that before going out to play wet your face and neck with water and have this gesture repeated frequently while outdoors.

Cotton clothes and light colors

When dressing your little one to go to school in these hot days, always choose baggy clothes and natural fabrics that facilitates perspiration.

Remember also that light colors attract less heat than dark colors, which allow ultraviolet rays to pass in case of direct exposure to the sun.

And one last piece of advice: avoid dressing your child with shirts or strapless dresses, or with very low-cut garments that leave shoulders and chest part exposed. These areas of the body are especially sensitive to sun exposure and can burn easily.

Play in the shade and avoid doing sports

We know that this advice can be complicated, but we should not stop insisting our children in the importance of playing in the shade and avoiding sports or running in full sun in the central hours of the day, which also coincide with the exit to the patio.

The teachers and staff of the center tend to be very aware of this point and constantly encourage students to play in shaded areas in a relaxed way, but it is not always easy to contain the craving of children.

From home, in addition to talking with them so that they become aware of how dangerous a direct sun exposure can be in central hours, we can, for example, prevent balls from being taken to school or any other toy that involves physical activity.

If your child is very athletic, propose that during the playground hours change the activity for another that requires less physical effort and leave the sport for the late afternoon, when the temperature and the sun begin to fall.

There are still days for the course to end, and from there, many schools will host urban camps or recreational activities for the summer months. And when the heat is as suffocating as the one we are having, every precaution is little when it comes to children
  • IStock Photos

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Video: How to Survive a Heat Wave (July 2024).