Vitamins in pregnancy prevent low weight at birth

During pregnancy all the care and attention that the future mother dedicates has an impact on the baby, but sometimes, due to ignorance, lack of care or lack of means, the necessary care for a good development of the fetus is not taken.

A trigger for poor feeding during pregnancy is that the baby is born underweight (less than 2.5 kilos), 96% of these births occur in developing countries, since it is where vitamin supplements do not reach They are recommended during pregnancy and that prevent children from being born with low weight, but not premature births.

Problems arising from a baby born with low weight may be the risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes or cardiovascular problems, also related to increased infant mortality. The New England Journal of Medicine publishes a study conducted between 2001 and 2004 in Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) regarding the effect of vitamin supplements. Almost nine thousand healthy pregnant women, with 12-27 weeks of gestation, were divided into two groups, one received vitamin supplements up to six weeks after delivery and the other received placebo and all took iron and folic acid, which reduced anemia of the mothers

The group of women who had ingested multivitamins reduced the percentage of babies with low birth weight having fulfilled the gestation time.

The authors of this study recall data from other research carried out in Tanzania, and that showed that vitamin supplements also benefit, even more, HIV-infected pregnant women and their babies, as they reduce the risk of death of the fetus. Given the good results of these supplements and the low cost, they "recommend" that all pregnant women and all countries, developing or not, receive this vitamin intake, but someone will have to distribute it in certain countries, so We hope that the recommendation does not fall in a broken bag.

Video: 4 Best Reasons To Take Vitamins To Get Pregnant (July 2024).