Humanitarian treatment of hospitalized or premature babies and their families: a fundamental right that begins to come true

One of the situations that causes the most stress to the parents of a premature baby is having to separate from him. This practice generates great anguish, both to the newborn and to the recent parents, regardless of the severity of their child's health status.

There are many health professionals who know the importance of the accompaniment of prematurity and continuous skin-to-skin contact, so many hospitals around the world are beginning to carry out neonatal care programs that accelerate the recovery of the baby and contribute to improving the mood of family members, inviting them to get involved in their care from the first moment.

Sleeping in the hospital in the same room as your premature baby, being able to touch him and place him on your chest without time limit and, at the same time, feel as if you were in your own home.

In the intensive care unit of Children's Hospital of Vancouver, they have just opened a program that will provide families with opportunity not to separate a minute from their premature or sick babies while they are hospitalized.

For this, the hospital has conditioned 70 fully equipped private rooms to provide care for babies and their families. The rooms have beds for two people, refrigerator, television and comfortable accessories so that parents can relax physically and emotionally in a pleasant and familiar environment that simulates the comforts of a home, while taking care of their admitted children.

Also in our country

A few days ago we told you that the Neonatology Service of the Vall d'Hebron Hospital in Barcelona He wants to carry out a similar program, but to make it possible he needs to raise funds for what the "With you, at home" campaign has launched.

Because although accompaniment is a fundamental right of the hospitalized child, sadly we still find hospitals that limit this right, hinder breastfeeding and force parents to return to their homes with a broken heart because of the limitations of a strict visiting schedule, as reported in this article in El Diario.

But this forced separation affects not only families but also the baby, who suffers anxiety, fear, confusion and loneliness because they cannot be accompanied by their parents.

A premature baby needs to receive humanized care. Feeling loved, protected, being able to listen to your mother's familiar voice and heartbeat thanks to skin-to-skin contact. In addition, you need to feel that you are touched for better brain development and this is not possible if the hospital does not allow your Accompaniment 24 hours a day.

"In conventional models, the mother and premature baby and / or who need special neonatal care are separated shortly after birth. But there are studies that ensure that the most stressful event for mothers with babies in the ICU is separation , regardless of the severity of the illness your baby has "- says Julie de Salaberry, director of the neonatal program at the Vancouver hospital.

Reading this kind of news comforts and cheers us equally. It is only necessary that this trend begins to be implemented as soon as possible in hospitals around the world, and that parents can not only accompany their children 24 hours, but also receive humane treatment and all the attention they need to face a situation How is it going.

  • IStock Photos

  • Via Pop Sugar

  • In Babies and More "With you, at home", the campaign of the Vall D'Hebron Hospital in Barcelona to humanize the care of premature babies and their families, Benefits of the Mother Kangaroo method for premature babies, The premature baby needs to feel touched for a better brain development, Decalogue of rights of premature babies

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