Summary of the week from October 17 to 23 in Peques and More

These days we have been celebrating the 50th anniversary of Scalextric, watching Pixar's last short (highly recommended by the way) and smiling when he sees the journey through the space of the toy train owned by a child (son of Ron Fugelseth). The truth is that we always have an event to count on Peques and Más, although sometimes we are also able to share initiatives that help our society improve, like Transforma Talent.

Two of the most interesting posts in these past days have been the interview with Mónica Manrique, who spoke to us about self-esteem in children, and our recommendation to the parents of older children, that they 'continue reading them even if they have grown a little'. As always, we have left a important space for education, and that's why we present Tasks and More, the tool that comes to reinforce and support the study in children aged 10 to 18 years. We have also talked about school with this complete article about the school lunch box, and the need to offer healthy menus to the little ones. And by the way, Do your children belong to those children who are bored or have math cost?, then in our blog you will find useful resources such as the book 'The tricks of the fractions', to learn while having fun.

Sure you know that we like to spend free time with our children, and we try to be attentive to the news, to tell our readers. That is why we have presented the Junior High Mountain School of All Vertical, we collect toys for girls to make wicks, and we prepare Halloween !, attentive to these mini mummy pizzas. But without a doubt, one of my favorite entries of these past days has been the mention of Roominate, as the inspiration for girls to be engineers or architects in the future.

In health, we have loved these recipes with nuts to take care of the heart and the new gluten-free pizzas from Adpan.

And we also have hopeful news about childhood, like the project that ERDF develops in schools to promote the normalization of rare diseases, the virtual animal protector developed by Primary children ('The fourth snout'); and not so good, as the finding that many children become 'invisible victims of trafficking'.

I want to end with this endearing casting scene to Henry Thomas, before he starred in E.T. Until next Wednesday, I will return on Halloween ... by then I am sure that you have more than prepared the most chilling celebration of the year.

Video: Rock Church - Part 1, The Lost Attachment (July 2024).