"The miracle of birth" according to the Monty Python

A few months ago, our colleague Armando explained to us why he has been fighting for years to change hospital protocols, and when I read it he reminded me a lot of a sketch of a movie I saw a long time ago, and that after the news I saw again.

I consider myself a fan of the Monty Python, the British humorous group (which sadly diluted years ago) where they made comic numbers very surreal and abusrods, but with a great load of social criticism. And today I bring you one of those sketches where we can check all "the miracle of birth" according to the Monty Python.

The video is part of his great film "The meaning of life", where the members of the fantastic comic group (Terry Jones, Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Eric Idle, Michael Palin and Terry Gilliam) make us see, always with a tone in humor that may not be liked by everyone, the different stages of life and come to the conclusion about the meaning of it.

In this sketch, we can see the coldness with which they treat a delivery hospital professionals and how they are more interested in filling the room with equipment that is the latest technology (the film is from 1983) or looking good in front of the hospital manager, than in the patient who is about to give to light.

As a final anecdote, to say that its creators promised that they were going to offend everyone with this movie, and they fulfilled it. And, after seeing "the miracle of birth" according to the Monty Python, nobody will be indifferent.

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