After 8 years of fighting anorexia, she has been a mother

Stories as touching as that of Hayley Wilde, a 20-year-old girl who has been a mother after being on the verge of deathThey help to encourage many women who suffer from anorexia by teaching them that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

No one, much less herself, believed that one day she could become a mother. He suffers from anorexia since he was 11 years old and his worst moment was at 16, when doctors gave him barely a week to live.

After four years without menstruation (amenorrhea is one of the main symptoms of the disease) and a long treatment, Hayley has recovered the smile and the desire to live thanks to her pregnancy and her baby.

An anorexic can never be neglected with food. Pregnancy and postpartum, stages in which the body undergoes an important biological and psychological transformation, are key moments for the development for the first time or a relapse in this type of diseases.

Although anorexia is a chronic eating disorder in which you can not lower your guard, in many cases the experience of becoming a mother motivates women who suffer from healing and wanting to be healthy for the love of their baby.

Love, and motherhood is pure love, is capable of moving mountains.

Video: How an eating disorder develops: Madi O'Dell's story (July 2024).