Amniotic fluid embolism

He amniotic fluid embolism It is a rare complication that has a high mortality rate, recent studies show that this complication is associated with women over 35 whose birth has been induced by specialists.

In order for this complication to occur, the fetal membranes and uterine vessels must be broken, this causes the amniotic fluid to enter the circulatory system and travel to the mother's lungs causing a lung collapse and as a result a heart failure.

The electronic publication The Lancet reveals a study carried out for the Maternal Health of Canada, where the data corresponding to more than three million deliveries from 1991 to 2002 were analyzed. The data revealed that the amniotic fluid embolism occurred in 6 out of every 100,000 women, in total 180 cases of which 13% were fatal, these data belong to single fetus pregnancies. In contrast, in multiple births the index was much higher, reaching 14, 8 out of every 100,000 parturients. The studies also revealed the possible factors that triggered the embolism by amniotic fluid, statistics indicated that this rare complication occurred with much more notoriety in women who had been induced labor. The researchers also believe that this data is highlighted due to the complications generated and that lead to the birth of the child.

Complications such as placenta previa, rupture of the uterus or preeclampsia, among others, are also associated with amniotic fluid embolism. Another determining factor is age, exceeding 35 years to have a child is acquiring twice the chances of suffering from this strange complication.

At least a risk, it is in our hands to be able to avoid it, to get pregnant if possible before exceeding a certain age, it can be a solution to avoid problems of this type.

Video: amniotic fluid embolism (July 2024).