Issues to consider about diastasis in pregnancy and postpartum

Diastasis in pregnancy It is a condition that some women suffer and it shows after giving birth. Diastasis means that the vertical muscles of the abdominal wall, called "straight muscles," separate during pregnancy to make room for the uterus. This separation of the abdominal muscles is common in pregnancy, especially in mothers who have already had several children.

But when the muscular distension becomes evident it is in the postpartum, since the appearance of the abdomen is altered, which acquires large volume and becomes flaccid (the muscles do not join spontaneously). But it is not worth any exercise to recover the abdominal muscles, so let's see some issues to consider about postpartum diastasis.

  • Diastasis is not just an aesthetic problem, since it causes a displacement of the internal organs. This could cause the woman to suffer certain discomfort in the lower back, weakness in the pelvic floor, heavy digestions ...

  • Prepare the abdomen with the childbirth preparation exercises following the instructions of your preparer. Proper strengthening of the area prevents diastasis and favors the correct force during labor during delivery.

  • To find out if I have diastasis, I can do the following check: lying on my back with the knees bent and the feet on the floor, we place the hand extended in the navel and raise the head slightly. If there is a space in the area of ​​the alba line (from the navel to the pubis) and the fingers sink, it is a sign that we have a break.

  • Poorly performed or intense exercises after childbirth could cause worsening of the diastasis. Consult a specialist.

  • The classic abdominal exercises are contraindicated in case of abdominal diastasis. We must strengthen the transverse abdomen (there are several exercises for this) and fasten the abdominals with a special girdle (although it is not appropriate to abuse the girdles) that helps close them.

Depending on the characteristics of the person, recovery will be slower or faster. If nothing is done to correct it, the diastasis can last over time, so it is good that you know the exercises to prevent it in pregnancy and go to a specialist if you want help for postpartum recovery.

Video: How to Measure your Diastasis Recti Size in Finger Spaces (July 2024).