Eco Sphere

It's not about toys, of course, or items that the little ones can enjoy, but I gave my son one when he turned four and he was fascinated. It is a Eco Sphere, a fully enclosed ecosystem developed thanks to NASA research.

As I said, we gave my son one when he turned four. He understood perfectly that he could observe her but not touch her, although at first we had the logical precaution of putting her in a safe place.

It was a educational element very interesting for him, which allowed him from an early age to understand the importance of respecting the environment because all living beings are related and also, to become familiar with the biological processes of Nature.

They are completely closed glass spheres that enclose autonomous life. Algae and tiny prawns are self-sufficient for everything they need to live. The sphere is filled with filtered seawater and the small shrimp live in it feeding on microorganisms and algae.

The carbon dioxide that produces the shrimp's breath, along with the light and waste of the animals are the food of the plants, which at the same time produce oxygen and nutrients for the animals. The system is closed and does not require maintenance.

It also relaxes me a lot to look at her, and that, for stressed moms, can also turn this Eco Sphere In an ideal gift.

Video: Sealed Aquarium Ecosphere Aquascape in a Jar (July 2024).