The essential kit for trips with children

The swimsuit, the cap, the ball, the water sandals ... All mothers make our list (mental or written) of what we have to include in our vacation suitcase. But ... have you considered what to bring in anticipation of a simple health problem?

If you want a mosquito bite or a small cooling not to make your holidays bitter, take note of “That little medicine kit” necessary in all trips with children.

Sonia Cibrián, doctor of General and Family Medicine at mediQuo, warns us that when planning what to include, we have to take into account where we are going and how long we will be there. That is to say, it is not the same to go to a tourist destination in Spain than to an Indian beach, nor will we need the same for a week than for a month.

Having said that, the doctor advises to put in a resistant, light medicine cabinet and to be able to be with thermal insulation:


1. Analgesic and anti-thermal. They are the most used medications and the ones we will most likely use during the holidays in case you have some fever or a small pain (headache, muscle, discomfort ...).

If you also plan to walk a lot or play sports, it is advisable to include an analgesic ointment to soothe the pain or discomfort of the local area after exercise.

2. Sunscreen. You will need a cap, sunglasses, even a T-shirt with UV protection and cream with a 50+ high protection factor to prevent skin problems such as allergies or burns.

You have to apply it 30 minutes before leaving home, trying to cover your entire body, and return it every 2-3 hours or after each dip.

Remember that with children it is better to avoid exposure in the central hours of the day. If they are babies, it is forbidden to put them directly in the sun! And better avoid sun creams before six months.

3. Topical corticosteroids. In case of insect bites, it will help quickly reduce itching and inflammation of the skin. They also serve to soothe the pain of burns and jellyfish stings. It is better not to use them in children under one year of age and ask the pediatrician the convenience of using them before putting them in the travel kit or not.

In these cases, topical antihistamines are discouraged.

4. Material of priests. It is essential to add a thermometer, scissors, iodinated disinfectant, hydrogen peroxide, tape and sterile gauze. And of course some strips with your favorite character! They will help to solve any minor wound so that it does not spoil the day.

5. Mosquito repellent. In summer children are more exposed to possible bites. That is why it is advisable to have an insect repellent on hand, especially if there is fresh water near the place of accommodation. They are not recommended before two months of age.

Topical repellents (creams, lotions) form a film on the skin making it an unpleasant place for insects such as flies, mosquitoes, fleas and ticks. However, no topical lotion is effective against stinger insects (bees and wasps).

Although not part of the kit, to better protect them from insects while they sleep, Electric repellents and mosquito nets are very useful Hanging on the bed And they barely steal space in the suitcase.

On the other hand, repellents that are put on clothing work better than mosquito bracelets, of which there is no scientific evidence that they work.

Always protected!

Although it is a weekend getaway, we cannot forget to include your health card in your suitcase to travel within Spain.

If you are traveling abroad, you can apply for the European health card, free for countries that belong to the European Union.

And for other destinations, travel insurance that includes medical assistance if necessary. Most private medical insurance includes this service abroad. And if you don't have it, you can hire only one for the days you're going to be out and compare before, because many of the adult policies include coverage for dependent children under 12 years old.

eye! One last clarification. The proposed sanitary material can be very useful for treating small problems. But as soon as we suspect that our son is ill, we must take him to the doctor. We never have to self-medicate let alone a child.

Via MediQuo

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Video: Essential Items when Packing for Kids. Travel Tips (July 2024).