Maternity and paternity leave in Europe

We have revisited the European policies related to paternity and maternity leave and the truth is that we have barely seen any change, being able to say that in general terms, everything remains the same as 4 years ago. In general, maternity leave is still less than six months (a figure that we put to be the one marked by WHO as recommended) and the difference between it and paternity leave remains an abyss that seems increasingly insurmountable.

There are honorable exceptions, such as the Nordic countries, especially in policies when it comes to equating paternity and maternity leave and making men aware of their access to them, but much remains to be done. That's right maternity and paternity leave in Europe.

No noticeable changes in the policies of European countries in the last four years

As we have seen, there has been no improvement in maternity and paternity leave in the countries of the European Union. They are still our neighbors farthest from the north, Sweden, Finland and Norway those who have the warmer policies in this regard, while our country continues in the cold zone, in eighth place by the tail.

So we have then that Sweden, with 480 days (16 months) shared between father and mother, and receiving 80% up to 390 days. The father has the obligation to take at least 60 days plus 10 working days from birth.

Norway, with 392 days (56 weeks) at 80% or 322 days (46 weeks) at 100%. The father is entitled to 70 days of help (10 weeks), receiving 100% of his salary. The mother is obliged to take 21 days before delivery and 42 days after delivery, and the rest can be shared with the father.

In Spain, the mother is 16 weeks old 100% paid leave, expandable to two more weeks for each child, from the second, if it is a multiple birth, and in case of disability of the baby. This right can also be exercised in cases of adoption and foster care, whether permanent or temporary, provided the children are under six years old. Of these 16 weeks, the first 6 are mandatory for the mother, while the other 10 weeks can be shared between the father and the mother simultaneously or consecutively.

Father has 2 days per birth plus 13 days, which can be 15 days in case of multiple births and 20 in case of large families.

In the queue are countries like Turkey, Switzerland (both with 112 days for the mother and 3 for the father), Latvia (112 days for the mother, 10 for the father), Cyprus (only 112 days for the mother), Belgium (105 days the mother and 10 the father), Slovenia (84 days for the mother and 11 for the father) and Liechtenstein (only 56 days for the mother).


We highlight Sweden, where the government has long been encouraging parents to enjoy parental leave together with their partners or to take their place once they have finished theirs. No doubt a great example to follow.

In other countries like Germany, Australia, Slovakia, France, Norway and Poland positive changes in policies have been promoted in favor of reconciling family and professional life, increasing the level of support for families during the crisis and facilitating access to early childhood education and care.

The shadows

In Spain, Lithuania and Romania "Pressure tactics have been identified for pregnant workers and recent mothers, such as harassment, to induce them to quit."

In Croatia, Greece, Italy and Portugal the use of "blank resignations", that is to say a letter of resignation without date, that the workers are forced to sign at the time of hiring, and that it is used to leave them without work in case of pregnancy, long-term illness or family responsibilities.

The influence of the economic crisis has meant that in Greece, Latvia and Romania, The decrease in the minimum wage or the weakening of the collective bargaining system, a consequence of the new laws adopted after fiscal consolidation measures, are eroding the level of maternity benefits.

Some questions about maternity leave

If the worker is on leave due to risk during pregnancy, what is the economic benefit that corresponds to her?

If the workplace can pose a danger to pregnancy, you are entitled to a 100% reduction in social benefits.

If the worker has learned that she is pregnant and has just started working in a new company and is on probation. Can the company fire you for being pregnant? If you do what can you do?

If it is proven that the dismissal or non-renewal or non-hiring has been for reasons related to pregnancy, it is considered a discriminatory dismissal on grounds of maternity and consequently it would be a null dismissal.

Is the maternity and paternity benefit always collected?

No, to be able to charge it, certain requirements must be met.

In Spain, maternity leave is independent of the number of days worked, that is, they "belong" to us because we were mothers or fathers, but to obtain maternity benefit, like paternity, is necessary have been quoting at least for 180 days (half a year) in the last five years. However, in the 10 weeks of maternity leave that can be shared, they can be transferred to your partner if he meets the requirements and it is he who charges the benefit, although it is not a case at all beneficial for the mother who will see how she has You should be separated from your baby much earlier than expected, but it may be the only option in cases where the economic situation is not recommended.

There are exceptions for mothers under 21 receive a 45-day aid even if they have not contributed, as long as they are discharged from social security and mothers between 21 and 26 only need to have contributed 90 days to receive the benefit.

What if the mother is autonomous?

Mothers who work as freelancers will be exempt from paying the social security rate during the 16 weeks of maternity leave, as well as the rates of the person who replaces it.

And outside of Europe?

Well we could say that there is everything, as in pharmacy. For example U.S does not recognize the mother's right to maternity benefit, but if an unpaid leave of up to 12 months in which the employee has the right to have her job kept and if not possible, return to a similar one. Regarding compensation there are some states such as California, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico that have economic support policies, as well as certain sectors such as the railroad. But as a rule, most policies of this type they run by private insurance and negotiations with companies.

  • In Canada It can reach up to 50 weeks.
  • In South Africa It's 16 weeks although only 60% of the salary.
  • In Angola and Afghanistan It's three months at 100% of the salary.
  • In Australia There is no official benefit, but there are "baby checks" that can be equivalent to an ordinary subsidy.

In Southamerica:

  • Brazil: 120 days for the mother and 5 days for the father.
  • Chile: 14 weeks for the mother and 5 days for the father.
  • Venezuela: 14 weeks for the mother and 2 weeks of permission for the father.
  • Ecuador: 12 weeks for the mother and 25 days for the father.
  • Mexico: 12 weeks for the mother.
  • Cuba: 18 weeks for the mother.

Equality between father and mother. Not everything consists of maternity leave

There are still few countries that have equal or more or less equal leave periods for mother and father. In general, there are very marked differences, the father being the worst unemployed in most cases, - with the exception of Austria in which he has more days than the mother, something that we still do not understand and that could be a typo in the translation.

Among the countries of Europe with more egalitarian policies we could highlight:

  • Sweden: 480 days for father and mother.
  • Romania: 126 days for father and mother.
  • Germany: Up to 98 days for father and mother.
  • Iceland: both have 90 days at 80 percent + 90 days to share with the father / mother.

When a baby arrives in the world, he needs his mother, who will be his main guarantor, but the existence of the family nucleus is also important so that both the mother and the baby are wrapped by her partner. That is why it is necessary that measures be taken to equate parental leave to maternity leave without this comparison going to the detriment of the first. A maternity leave of 6 months, but a paternal of 2 weeks only causes inequalities, in the workplace the woman made to be seen by the employer as a "problem" and with respect to the man generates an inequality by separating this from her son and his work as support and complementation of the mother.

We conclude with a table where we show you how the permits are in European countries.

In Babies and More | Maternity and paternity leave in Europe

Video: Why the US Needs Paid Parental Leave. Anna Steffeney. TEDxSanJuanIsland (July 2024).