How much does a hospital birth in Spain cost: the price of giving birth

Spanish Public Health is an international benchmark. Citizens go to the hospital to perform medical procedures at no cost, and the same happens when the mothers are going to give birth. This does not mean that it is free, we pay it through taxes, but it is a public service.

Just yesterday we published the opinion of a woman who had to be admitted due to the threat of premature delivery and made a plea to our health saying "I would have loved to receive the bill for everything I have not paid."

Following this, we wanted to know what are the costs of hospital births in Spain. The Ministry of Health publishes each year the data of some 80 Spanish hospitals and prepares an average cost of the procedures and the days of admission required in each case.

In Babies and more, these are the best 15 hospitals in Spain to give birth

Thanks to these data, we know that the average cost of admission to our public hospitals is more than 5,000 euros and that around 1,000 euros is the cost of one day in the ICU. A stay in a room on the floor is around 300 and 400 euros per day per person.

Childbirth care costs

According to the data released by the Ministry of Health (updated as of August 29, 2018), in its section 'Birth care' we find the cost of the following medical procedures:

  • Vaginal delivery (includes instrumental delivery): Average stay 2.72 days, 2,296.90 euros.
  • Caesarean section: Average stay 4.46 days, 4,087.90 euros.
  • Other births (delivery with sterilization, curettage and others): Average stay 3.25 days, 2,851.80 euros.

Remember that this is a national average, since each community sets its own costs. In Andalusia, a normal vaginal delivery costs from 2,160 euros, while in the Basque Country it could cost, with complications, up to more than 13,000 euros, and in case of caesarean section, if complications arise, up to more than 23,000 euros.

If the baby requires hospitalization

The situation of the baby at birth is also important, since if it is premature with low weight (500-1000 grs.) And requires an average hospitalization of 58 days, the cost is 52,508.50 euros.

If further intervention is necessary, the costs increase considerably. For example, a baby born with low weight and requires a major surgical procedure, with an average stay of 100 days, the cost amounts to 89,624 euros.

In Babies and more "I would have loved to receive the bill for everything I have not paid", the defense for our public health that has been viralized

Video: Why it costs so much to have a baby in the US (July 2024).