New program to fight against childhood obesity in Murcia

This news reminds us of the one provided now a year ago in which all the children of the same town were subject to a diet given the high rate of overweight and obesity that existed. The fight against overweight and childhood obesity is becoming more noticeable, new initiatives and projects aim to fight against this serious problem.

On this occasion, children and young people, from 1 to 18 years of age, from 19 educational centers participate in a Very unique program organized by the Murcia City Council of Molina de Segura. This program will sample the schoolchildren to know what is the incidence of obesity in this region at the statistical level. Various healthy menus designed by specialists will serve to try to reduce obesity in the future, various health and education organizations have been involved to achieve the goal set, but there is also the fundamental collaboration of parents, since it is they who have great influence on children Together they will reduce the problems of overweight and obesity in this population.

It seems that everyone has turned to this task, initiatives of this kind should be supported by the remaining Spanish towns, surely the problem would be reduced in a very remarkable way at the national level. By the way, we assume that physical exercise will also be contemplated in the program.

Video: Parade of "The Arrival of the Sardine" in Murcia 2018 - Spain 4K Travel Channel (July 2024).