Increase in birth in Spain?

There has been an increase in the birth rate in Spain, but it has not been thanks to the Spaniards themselves, immigrants have had a lot to do in improving the birth rate of our country. But, what slows down the Spanish families to have more children? Without a doubt, there are many causes that make a couple not want to have more than one child and that this comes as late as possible, because although each family is a world , the economy is marked as something fundamental when it comes to increasing the family and aid is very few.

Spain is the country of the European Union that less money invests in promoting the increase of families, you just have to contrast the data, each euro allocated to families in Spain, in the rest of Europe five are dedicated. Without a doubt, the Spanish policy directed to the family is clear.

This situation would not be understood if it were not for the economic aspect, you just have to see some factors that cause the birth rate to be booming instead of being at a minimum, for example, the increase in life expectancy in women It stands at 83 years and in men, at 75, if we contrast with the 1900 data, the men had a life expectancy of 35 years. Infant mortality was 100 years ago at 186 per 1,000 children and today stands at 0.5%. We must bear in mind that the quality of life is tremendously superior to what existed then, seen these examples, why are we at a minimum in terms of birth?

There are other examples that would explain these minimums, apart from the economic aspect there are other reasons, such as the duration of the couple, once the average was 22 years, today it does not reach 10. The excessive delay to start motherhood would be another matter , according to statistical data, more than 1/3 of women wait at 30 to have their first child, this also leads to an increase in infertility. And finally, another fact that statistics show is the labor issue, the entry of women into the working world clearly reflects a lower birth rate. Housewives have twice as many children as those who work.

It is palpable that everything works in a matter of events, but surely some data would change if there was greater help from the government, if the expenses suffered with the arrival of a child were reduced, if they gave more facilities for the purchase of a house, and so a long etcetera. It is not valid to complain that the Spaniards have few children, nor who can solve or rather alleviate this situation, moves to change it.

There are many aspects that must change for statistics to change, in the hands of the rulers is to solve it.

Video: Migrants repopulate Spanish villages with low birth rates (July 2024).