Carolina Bescansa is not the only one: five other deputies who took their babies to Congress

That the deputy of Podemos, Carolina Bescansa, occupied a seat of the hemicilco with her baby in her arms has raised all kinds of reactions. On the one hand, there are those who see it as an example of conciliation, and on the other, those who see it inappropriate and conciliation, little.

But whatever it is, Bescansa is not the first baby we see as a protagonist in political circles. Five other deputies also took their babies to Congress combining their work facet with their mother role.

Italian MEP Licia Ronzulli

The Europarliamentary Licia Ronzulli It marked a trend five years ago by going to a vote in Parliament with his daughter for only a month in tow, wrapped in a scarf. From there, he accompanied her on several occasions and we have been able to see how it was growing.

Camila Vallejo, Chilean deputy

Camila Vallejo, deputy of the PC (Chile)He attended a session in the Chamber with his daughter of almost two years. It was harshly criticized generating controversy in social networks, which has responded on Twitter with comments like this:

Mr. @jschaulsohn has not understood that what Chile wants is a labor reform that ensures fathers and mothers can raise their children.

- Camila Vallejo (@camila_vallejo) April 24, 2015

Victoria Donda, Argentine Deputy

Victoria Donda, a deputy from ArgentinaHe drew attention to breastfeeding his eight-month-old baby in his country's Congress. Of course, there was also controversy and not only for taking his daughter to Parliament, but for the fact of breastfeeding in public.

Danish MEP Hanne Dahl

The Danish MEP Hanne Dahl He attended a European Parliament voting session in Strasbourg in 2009, where only one in three deputies is a woman.

In the photo we can see her with her hand raised with the baby on her table. Recall that the parliament does not allow delegating the vote, so most MEPs do not attend the plenary after giving birth and their parties lose their vote. But some, like Hanne and Licia, decided to take their babies.

The deputy of Podemos Mónica García

The deputy for Madrid, Monica Garcia, attended this summer to the Assembly with her daughter Rosa, 4 months. He put as a condition to run for elections not to take off his daughter, because he does not want to give up the first months.

Video: Patxi López, elegido presidente del Congreso con los votos a favor de PSOE y Cs (June 2024).