Hotels without children: the tourist claim that discriminates against the little ones

Hotels without children, also known as "adults-only hotels", is a tourist option that has been strongly consolidated for a few years. To the voices contrary to this type of establishments, responsible hoteliers defend themselves claiming that its measures are not discriminatory.

But what would happen if the excluded group were, for example, the youth or the elderly? Would we still not see it discriminatory? The Department of Equality and Inclusive Policies of the Generalitat Valenciana has taken a first step presented a claim against these types of hotels.

What would happen if the discriminated were young or old, for example?

When it comes to children it seems that everything goes. Villages without children, hotels without children, restaurants without children, airlines without children, weddings without children ... In society there is a huge lack of empathy for them: they always bother, always overflow and always seem to be in the center of the target.

And I wonder, prohibit the entry of a person for a matter of ageIsn't it a full-fledged discrimination? According to experts, it is, in addition to being an "unconstitutional measure."

What would we think if a hotel denied the right of admission to those over 65? Or to adults in their twenties? Or in their thirties? Surely, of course, we would put our hands to our heads!

But when it comes to children we are not offended in the same way. And there are some who even this measure seems good, without even realizing that the right of exclusion is a full-fledged discriminatory act, not only towards the child but towards his family.

In recent hours, the controversy has flooded Twitter. And although there are voices in favor of this discriminatory tourism measure, the majority advocates for the rights of children and for the equality of all.

I do not have kids. But if I don't oppose this violation of the Constitution ... what will be next? Hotels without elderly people? # Hotels without children

- Emilito (@ emilito26) May 24, 2017

The imposition of # HotelesSinNiños violates Article 14 of the Constitution.
Me for commenting…

- Luk Anikos (@Luk_anikos) May 23, 2017

Art. 14 CE: no Spanish will be discriminated against because of ... AGE ...
The # Hotels without children is deeply unconstitutional.

- Emilito (@ emilito26) May 24, 2017

The controversy is served

Mónica Oltra, vice president, spokesperson and Minister of Equality and Inclusive Policy of the Generalitat Valenciana, has presented an amendment against "adults-only hotels" by segregate and discriminate based on age in the tourism field. However, the amendment has been rejected by the Valencian Tourism Agency (AVT), considering that it is only a commercial claim.

And why are hotels for blond women not only commercial claims?, Or for allopathic ?, or for people who wear glasses ?, or for those born in a certain city? Simple. Because anyone in their right mind would find it absurd and out of place the existence of such hotel establishments.

However, children are again at the center of the debate:

You forget that many of the children for whom you ask # HotelsSinChildren tomorrow will be the disrespectful adults of the next room.

- Ramón-desu (@RamonRivasP) May 24, 2017

If I pay to go to rest I go where I really want and if I do not want children, can not be respected? #hotelessinninos

- Arantxa Pastor (@arantxa_pz) May 24, 2017

# hotelsinniños We invite you to change the word children for any other age, race, sexual tendency ... Let's see if it sounds good.

- Noe and Pepe (@cuandoduermen) May 23, 2017

# HotelsSinChildren because I also pay, I want to rest. Children screaming and crying, there are more educated dogs than some of them.

- Isabel León (@ Isabeleon31) May 24, 2017

It's nonsense about # HotelesSinNiños. There are adults who are an example of rudeness. There would have to be # HotelsSinImbéciles

- Pol Corominas (@polcorominas) May 23, 2017

If children and their parents can't stand them, why do I have to suffer them? Free spaces of little monsters NOW. # Hotels without children

- Markel Bilbao (@ hiabo97) May 24, 2017

Tranquility and rest. Main claims of this type of hotels

Relax, tranquility and rest. These are the main complaints offered by "adults-only hotels" (over 16 years old) that constitute the opposite offer to "children-friendly hotels".

The defenders of this type of establishments claim that the children shout, bother, splash and alter the rest. However, I have never felt bothered by the behavior of any child; neither before being a mother nor after being a mother.

And it is that good behavior and education is not a matter of age.

Parents must be responsible for our children and whether we are on vacation with them in a hotel, as if we go to the park or the supermarket. They are our responsibility.

And the fact that children can bother at any given time is not a problem of the child but of the adult responsible for that child, who should be watching over him.

Do adults not bother?

I often meet really annoying situations that are not starring childrenprecisely. But it is being on vacation when I have witnessed the most embarrassing scenes, as if the fact of being on vacation gave freedom to do what we want regardless of the person we have at our side.

  • Young people playing in the pool without any care or education, throwing oneself over each other and taking ahead of those who pass by. And no, I don't mean children splashing innocently in the water.

  • Executives unable to disconnect their mobile phones that speak loudly about their strategic operations, preventing you from even being able to remain focused on your reading. And no, I don't mean the children's screaming of children playing.

  • Drunk or eager adults to get attention, who shout, sing loudly or speak loudly with their friends during nap time. And no, I don't mean the crying of a baby in the next room.

  • Mobile phones that sound at full volume or music that is heard several meters away and that you dig into the eardrum without remedy. And no, I do not mean the child's singing of a child or a musical toy.

I could continue to give examples that, surely, will be familiar to more than one. And it is clear that education and age will never go hand in hand!

  • IStock photos
  • Via Mónica Oltra, against hotels without children (Levante. The Valencian merchant)
  • In Magnet # Hotelessinniños: the controversial debate of tourist accommodation for adults only
  • In Babies and More Hotels that do not accept children, Restaurants without children, Firhall, a town in Scotland where children are not allowed, What I would do if they invited me to a wedding where children cannot go, Another airline that joins the "child free" zone, what will be next ?, children are not allowed Exclusion or freedom of choice?

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