Nutrition during pregnancy: high-fiber foods

We know that a balanced diet is essential for health, especially in pregnant women, who should eat beneficial foods for her and the baby. Food fiber it is a set of non-digestible components, which is only found in vegetarian food and with very beneficial properties for health.

Fiber is very important for proper digestion, to prevent constipation, to control weight, to reduce cholesterol levels, prevent hypertension or control diabetes.

For all these benefits of fiber, the intake of various sources should be better than one. Y, What are high fiber foods?. In general, cereals, vegetables, vegetables, fruits and legumes. In addition, these foods will provide us multiple vitamins and minerals needed for the correct fetal development and for the health of the mother. Salads, natural fruits and juices and cereals should be part of everyday life. Let's look at foods that contain more fiber:

  • The cereals: rice, bread, cookies or pasta and in general all cereals should be integral rather than refined, since the refined ones contain much less fiber. Wheat, oats, rye, barley, millet or also corn. Beware of industrial breakfast cereals, which usually contain a high level of sugar and saturated fat.
  • Vegetables and vegetables, in salad or as a side dish every day: the consumption of anyone is recommended, except for those that produce flatulence (such as artichokes, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, pepper, cucumber, radishes, onion, leeks). Those that contain more fiber are: spinach, chard, mashed potatoes, cabbage, carrots, asparagus, tomatoes, red beets and avocado (these last 3 also have a high folic acid content)…
  • Fresh and dried fruits, several pieces a day: figs and prunes (with a high content), dates, kiwi, pear, apple, apricot, mango, apple, orange, banana (also rich in potassium) ...
  • Nuts: almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts, nuts (also very rich in Omega-3) ... As in the case of cereals, we will discard those nuts that, industrially prepared, are sugary, with honey or salt.
  • Legumes: white beans, peas and dried beans (with high content), chickpeas, lentils, green beans ... When cooking, it is better not to accompany them with typical sausages.

As we said, in addition to fiber, vitamins and minerals They are found in most of them, so we should not deprive ourselves of these foods, combined in a balanced way. Vegetable fiber is made up of cellulose, hemicellulose and other complex carbohydrates (carbohydrates). Carbohydrates or carbohydrates are an important source of energy for all vital cellular activities and also regulate fat metabolism.

Cereals and legumes are mostly food rich in complex carbohydrates containing iron, zinc or magnesium, also important for pregnancy.

They are also ideal foods for maintain an adequate weight during our pregnancy. In those moments between meals when we need to feed ourselves, it is much better to go to any of these foods listed above than to pastries, artificial juices or other fatty foods. Combined with the intake of large amounts of liquids (especially water and those natural juices of fruits or vegetables) we will be providing many benefits to our body and the future baby.

In the last stages of pregnancyWhen digestion and intestinal transit become more complicated, increasing the risk of constipation or heartburn, it is when we most appreciate an increase in our diet of these plant-based foods rich in fiber.

Video: Nutrition Tips: Pregnancy and Nutrition (July 2024).