What is heat stroke?

The temperature of the human body is around 37 degrees with small normal variations throughout the day. Our brain is the organ that, through the hypothalamus, controls the adaptation of our organism to the outside temperature. If the environment is frozen, we react with tremors and vasoconstriction, thus raising the internal temperature. If it is very hot, the pulse, sweating and vasodilation increase, and in this way we make our body temperature drop. But sometimes our thermoregulation mechanism is overcome by the harsh conditions. One of the consequences of these failures is the heatstroke.

If we face a rapid exposure a very high outside temperature and we do not have elements to protect ourselves from it or we do not have enough hydration we can suffer this serious condition called heatstroke, to which the elderly and chronically ill are especially sensitive, but also babies and in general children under six years.

Heat stroke It requires immediate attention to lower the temperature and also medical treatment. If such first care is not provided, the patient may die. We must be very aware that young children have more risks of suffering this collapse, because they are more sensitive and less aware of being in an extreme situation. But the most terrifying is the news that is repeated summer after summer, the little ones die because they have been forgotten in a car in full sun.

To prevent heatstroke In children it is essential to take into account some simple measures. Avoid the direct sun on the head, wearing a cap. You should not stay outside in the hottest hours and least still do intense physical exercise.

It is very important to take fresh and high water foods (gazpachos, juices, fruits, salads) and especially drink a lot of liquid. If we are at home and it is very hot, you have to keep it in penunbra and be in the cooler rooms, giving us fresh showers often. If we are abroad, look for a conditioned place or get wet at the beach, pool or at a fountain. Of course, these general measures must be extreme with the smallest.

When a person suffers a heat stroke The symptoms are those of a serious collapse. Accelerated pulse, dizziness, nausea, confusion that give way to loss of consciousness. The skin is dry, red and hot. Body temperature exceeds 39 degrees and in these cases the need for medical attention is essential.

The immediate measures, while the health services arrive, will be to keep the patient in the shade, to a place as cool as possible. To help lower its temperature we will cool it with air and with fresh wet pads with water on the arms, thighs, head, chest and neck, and cool it with air or water.

In cases where there is a heatstroke The patient has suffered from dehydration and we can offer liquids that are not very cold: water, preferably in children, or in older children, is a commercial isotonic drink. But it is important to offer them only if the child is conscious, otherwise we can aggravate his condition with a choking, which in these circumstances can contribute to the problems he was already having.

Video: Signs & Symptoms of Heat Stroke (July 2024).