Six things that your child (and you) should know before having a pet

They can be the joy of the house (with the children), a great company and make us happy. But having a pet at home is not a decision that can be taken lightly. There are certain questions that we must ask ourselves, things that both your child and you should know before having a pet.

It is true that a very special relationship and relationship is created between children and their pets and having an animal at home can help children to be more responsible, learn to respect nature and have a more open nature, be happier and more sociable ...

They see it that way. According to a recent study, 94% of children say they feel better with a pet nearby and 60% believe that interacting with pets helps them love and respect people more. These are the main conclusions that are drawn from the Study on the Link between Children and Pets, which the Affinity Foundation has developed within its Together We Grow Better project.

It is normal for children to feel a natural attraction for animals and feel comforted with their company, so for many adults it is like that. But you have to take into account certain issues. These are the things that your child (and you) should know before having a pet.

  • A pet is not a toy. Young children could imagine that they can be stored in a drawer, that they "disappear" at night, that they can manipulate it like a doll, that does not suffer damage ... The pet does not only "serve" to play, even if it gives them very good times of game. It is very important that the first contacts between the child and the animal are supervised by the parents, who have to teach him how to treat his pet.

  • Having a pet demands a great responsibility. For the same thing that we have just said, they need care, they need to go for a walk, eat, medical attention, that their rest time is respected… We cannot forget that it is a living being with needs every day, we must be responsible with them every day.

  • The pet is everyone's business. Not only do parents have to be responsible. Children change have to take care (within their means) of caring for the animal, giving them love, food, take it out for a walk ... So we have to educate them for their care. In fact, the child can participate from the moment a pet is adopted or bought, choosing it or showing their preferences.

  • You also have to educate the animal, set the basic guidelines of obedience, something essential to be safe and have a smooth living. The education and stimulation provided to the animal will make it behave properly, without endangering the child.

  • Not all pets are the same, you have to look for a suitable one to live with children. Large dogs or hamsters and exotic pets are excluded. Dogs and cats must be educated. Fish, turtles and other more "passive" animals can be a good option in houses with less space.

  • Finally: an animal cannot be returned, it is not like a toy that is defective, that we keep or donate when we no longer use it. The abandonment of animals is a big problem (especially during the holiday season) and this point is related to the responsibility seen above.

Definitely, a pet can be the ideal playmate for the child and an important stimulus for their sociability, self-esteem ... But before buying or adopting a pet, those are the points that we must take into account. Talking to the child is essential so that a "disappointment" is not taken at the first change and so that it is a shared responsibility.

Video: 11 Signs Youre Finally Ready to Have a Kid (July 2024).