When we are so busy that for children it is as if we had disappeared

Who takes care of our children? Is it mom Maybe dad? Do they go to daycare? Do they stay with grandparents? And what do they say? Why they live in a world created by and for adults in which children seem to be, more and more, a hindrance, to those who must be found with who they stay, to those who must be prepared for the future by filling them with directed activities and to whom we often see very little. Too little.

And not only because they are very busy, but above all because we are too, fathers and mothers, and the situation reaches a point where for them it is practically as if we had disappeared ... as shown in this video:

The video is the work of the Club de MalasMadres, which a few months ago began a campaign to collect signatures in order to get our government to create measures to encourage companies to promote a continuous day for fathers and mothers, that would allow us to get home in time to be with and for our children.

I don't quit

Under the slogans (and hashtags) #yonorenuncio and #yoconcilio, more than 260,000 people have supported this campaign, concerned about the present of their families and seeing that they literally do not reach everything ... that today's life It doesn't work for 24 hours a day, and we are all so stressed and with so many things pending that, increasingly, we feel that life slips through our fingers, and that of our children too.

There is so little time we can devote, so little we share, that in the end we are all guilty of not giving them a present in which they can share their growth and development with us ... We are missing his childhood!

So on days like today, on days when everyone dedicates, not even a few hours, to talk about conciliation, women, work, and men, because this is about men too, it is worth knowing that Children, our children, need to have a present, be part of the here and now, so that can have a future.

Video | Youtube
In Babies and more | When parents do not understand the term work and family conciliation, Spain does not trust the benefits of work and family conciliation, Real Conciliation Now: another way to reconcile family and work life is possible

Video: What Assumptions Do Kids Make About Each Other? Reverse Assumptions (July 2024).