The children of smartphones

May parents whose young children, under five years of age, be able to handle simple smartphone applications raise their hands. Almost everyone, for sure. Although some resist, our children constitute a generation of digital natives, they are children of smartphones.

The surveys corroborate it. Children learn to use a state-of-the-art terminal before tying their shoelaces. 19 percent of children between the ages of two and five know how to play simple games with a smartphone, while only 9 percent of children that age know how to tie their shoelaces. Of course, perhaps the comparison is not the most accurate, since by motor maturation a child learns to tie his shoelaces from four years or five years. Anyway it is a striking fact.

However, not every home has an advanced mobile phone, but a computer does. According to the same study, developed by the AVG Internet Security group, 58 percent of children between the ages of two and five know how to play on the computer. Of these, 44 percent are between two and three years old.

At home I live it day by day with my daughters, between one and six years old. His father is a fan of mobile technology, he also works in that area, so they are used to seeing him "fiddling" and trying different models. The older two (4 and 6 years) already know how to use at least two to four applications, while the little girl (barely 16 months) knows how to unlock an iPhone and play music.

There are times when I despair, really. Where do we get? But I understand that it is a generation in which technology is part of their lives. I believe that we cannot separate them or prohibit contact with these devices, but control their use.

As with all consumer items, the excess is harmful, they do not have to subtract time from other activities and outdoor play. We must also monitor the applications they use and as they grow, strengthen security (through filters and other tools) because remember that these phones have the possibility of internet connection.

We can not deny that the mobile phones are extremely attractive, especially those with large screen, touch, easy to manipulate with their fingers and full of colors. Are your children smartphones kids?

Video: The effects of smartphones on children (July 2024).