Pediatricians are still missing, is anything done about it?

In March it was already announced that pediatricians are missing in Spain, and claims, complaints and news about it, are happening. As we read in Ideal Digital, the law establishes that there should be a professional for 700-1,400 children, while currently, depending on the population or district each pediatrician attends between 1,000 and 1,200 children under 15 years.

But the legal margin is not adequate and the problem is there, there are not enough pediatricians to care for children and affirm that the problem has arisen from immigration, since it has increased the number of children.

According to the newspaper mentioned, pediatricians in the province of Jaén visit between 50 and 60 children a day, when it is recommended that they be between 20 and 25, then come medical errors ... On the other hand we read that the president of the Spanish Association of Pediatricians, Teresa Muñoz, that the pediatrician deficit is the fault of the regional government that has not done a good planning for the growing child population and that when there are 30% of non-specialist doctors attending to children, the Community of Madrid will end privatizing the specialty.

The problem is not only that they do not give more places, specialists prefer in many cases to work in hospitals in large cities rather than go to primary care, and even to go to other countries because they are paid more.

Those who suffer from it are the little ones, who are treated fleetingly or by family doctors. In the first place they are not prepared to care for minors and secondly, they are burned because they increase the number of patients that are not within their competence. No one is happy, neither the one who gives the service nor the one who receives it.

If you want to increase the birth rate of our country and do not put means for this growth to be satisfactory, what or who are you playing with?

Video: Irène Said Yes to Pediatrics: The Benefits of a Pediatric Residency (July 2024).