Learning to be increasingly independent

Babies often complain the first time we leave them in the arms of a stranger. We must keep in mind, however, that it is convenient for our child to experience the idea of ​​separation. If the child grows and becomes independent from his parents gradually and logically, he does not have to suffer any trauma. In addition, if we begin to separate from it from an early age, it will be easier for us to discover any change in attitude on your part. It is very important that this process be gradual.

Different degrees of separation between the child and the mother

  • Let a stranger take it in your arms.
  • Leave it for a few minutes in another room with a family member or friend.
  • Leave the child in a room while you are in another room of the house; the first time just for a few minutes and then you can increase the time.
  • Get him used to sleep in his own room.
  • Leave it at home with someone other than you or your partner.
  • Take it to a nursery or kindergarten.
  • Separate yourself from him for an increasingly longer period, until you spend a whole day away from him.
  • Take care that primary education begins.
  • Let me spend a night at a friend or relative's house.
  • It allows me to spend several days away from home (going camping, living together, spending a few days at a friend's house during the holidays, going out for a walk with the school, etc.).
  • Habitúlo to go shopping in the neighborhood.
  • Allow him to drive only on public transport.
  • Take care that secondary education begins.

It is normal that when we separate from our son we experience sadness and restlessness, because we are worried about what might happen to him and how it could harm him. And also because we are afraid to face what we will feel when we do not have the child nearby. However, we must keep in mind that the only thing we will achieve if our son realizes that we are having a bad time, is that he has a worse time, feels even more confused.

Remember: children are not a possession, but individuals that we have to help grow and mature.

Video: Why Smell is More Important Than You Think. Holladay Saltz. TEDxRVA (July 2024).