After delivery

After delivery, if everything went well your son and you stay in the hospital for a couple more days. The medical staff is responsible for monitoring the evolution of your baby and your own, but certain conditions are required to be discharged.

Your child's discharge and yours are different. The gynecologist checks the status of episiotomy and lochia. It also checks if the uterus involves correctly. Check your breasts and confirm that you have no trouble going to the sink.

With your child, the pediatrician performs a complete physical and neurological exam, observes his reflexes and makes sure he sucks well. It is fixed in the healing of the navel and in the color of the bowel movements. In addition, both of you take your temperature, pulse and blood pressure. Sometimes the discharge coincides with the first test of metabolopathies, which is usually performed 48 hours after birth, this analysis is used to detect certain congenital diseases, such as hypothyroidism.The test is really simple, it involves removing a few drops of blood from your child's heel.

Well, now comes paperwork and paperwork. When you are discharged, you are given a questionnaire for the declaration of birth in the civil registry, your discharge report and that of your child, the mother-filial identification document and the child health card.

Finally the long-awaited transfer to the home arrives. In the hospital, parents are given brochures with recommendations about your baby's first care and your own.

Remember something very important, you should have no doubt before leaving the hospital. Umbilical cord healing, such as bathing the baby, etc.

We hope it is a happy entrance to the home and a perfect development of you and your baby. Congratulations!

More information | Previnfad

Video: After Delivery: New moms urged to take care of postpartum health (July 2024).