Ten phrases we should not say to a mother who bottles her baby (I)

A few days ago we explained ten phrases that we should not say to a mother who gives breast milk. There were only ten of the many that can be said and many of them are mentioned because they are erroneous, based on myths or that should be avoided simply by education and respect. And it seems that in the end, the important thing is not so much the message that is given, but why it is given, that many times they are tips that nobody has asked for.

And it is that in this of the maternity (or the paternity) it seems that there is a maximum that does not stop fulfilling: Whatever you do there will always be someone who tells you that you do it wrong, and also tell you when you do not ask. That is why many of us suggested that we make similar entries, but thinking of the mothers who bottle feed, and the reason is the same, there are people who screw up with nursing mothers and people who screw up with mothers who bottle feed . That is why today we will explain ten phrases that we should not say to a mother who gives a bottle.

In my house we have not given a bottle more than a few days in the middle, while it was in the incubator, and we have not suffered in our meats looks or comments about it, so I had no reference (breastfeeding I can speak what you want, that my wife has breastfed the three children). So for the ten sentences I took two similar decalogues, I extracted the ones that seemed most common and / or most terrible and added some that seemed to me to be missing. Go for it:

All women can breastfeed

"Oh, but don't you breastfeed?" They tell you while they see you preparing a bottle to calm your baby who starts complaining. "No", and behind him there is no "I would rather bottle feed him", "I could not give him", "look I have tried but I have not succeeded" or the reason that every mother has. That's when they say: "But if all women can breastfeed".

And hey, they are close, very close to the truth, but They are not right. Most women can breastfeed. Most women, under normal conditions, can breastfeed. What are the normal conditions? Well, those where there is a culture of breastfeeding, where a woman can breastfeed anywhere without anyone looking badly at her or having to cover her baby under an awkward rag or invite her to go to the toilet to breastfeed, those where to give the breast is perfectly normal and the rest of men and women see other women breastfeed and, therefore, the wisdom of "breastfeeding" passes from one person to another as it used to be.

Now this does not happen, and breastfeeding can be as simple as putting the baby to the breast, or tremendously complicated if the baby does not catch well and begin problems, because mothers with cracks and dehydrated babies crying in full lungs are in everywhere with super-delivered mothers trying to breastfeed them. We have lost the culture of breastfeeding and we have to recover it, but while that happens, many mothers do not know how to do it well because they have not learned, because they have not seen it done and because the closest people who can help them are their mothers, who probably They gave a bottle.

Then they go to the pediatrician, the nurse, the doctor, the gynecologist or the midwife and, if you have one of those who do not know, because they were formed at the time when "most women can not breastfeed and also milk artificial is better, "then breastfeeding your baby becomes a titanic and horrible task where the mother suffers, the baby suffers and, worse, the life of the little one is in danger.

Do not, Today, not all women can breastfeed, so I take the opportunity to make a global appeal to the whole society to try to create those normal conditions that I have talked about, those where a woman who breastfeeds is not questioned, those where professionals can help women who breastfeed and those in which mothers, neighbors, mother-in-law and acquaintances do not come to the rescue bottle at hand at the first exchange and recommend looking for someone who can help them.

So, as I say, not all women can breastfeed and besides not everything is power, there is also the will: not all women want to breastfeed, so, consequently, better shut up before telling a lie that doesn't help anyone at all.

Artificial milk causes obesity

Another thing that is often said to a woman who does not breastfeed is that your child will be obese because of the bottle. Of course, it is often explained, when talking about breast milk, which prevents obesity. That is not to prevent it, is that Children who drink artificial milk are more likely to be obese because artificial milk contains more protein than breast milk.

A few days ago we talked about it, commenting on a study that compared children who drank breast milk, those who drank artificial milk with a high protein content and those who drank it with a low protein content. According to the aforementioned study, 2.9% of breastfed children, 4.4% of children who drank low-protein artificial milk and 10% of children who drank high-protein artificial milk suffered from obesity at 6 years. .

That means that at 6 years of age, 97.1% of breastfed children, 95.6% of children who drank low-protein milk, and 90% of those who drank artificial high-protein milk were not obese. Come on, there is an increased risk of obesity with artificial milk, and it is an important fact to consider, more in a society where children and adults eat worse and worse, but from there to say "artificial milk causes obesity" There is a stretch. If not, go out and look at the people of 30-50 years, that most were bottle-fed and you will see that with obesity there are not too many, and if there are, it is more than likely because now, in the present, they take good care of themselves.

But if you have big breasts, you sure had a lot of milk!

Again we fall into the error of the size of the breasts and the amount of milk. A woman tells you that she could not breastfeed her baby, or that her son was hungry, or that she barely had milk, and then you see that she has large breasts and it seems that she does not fit you. But as I explained in the entries that I mentioned at the beginning more size does not mean more milk. Within each woman's chest is her mammary gland, adipose tissue and suspensory ligaments. All this gives the outer shape of the chest, and the amount of adipose tissue determines the size, but the gland is not more productive because it has more adipose tissue surrounding it, so it makes no sense to say something like that.

Also, as I said the other time, what about the big chest? Nobody doubts anyone's abilities (or they shouldn't) based on appearances (or is a man more fertile for having a bigger penis?), So it is advisable, since we do not know what is behind every situation is not make judgments about it.

More tomorrow…

To not have you kidnapped for a long time in front of the screen we continue tomorrow three more phrases that we should not say to a woman who gives a bottle (You can read it here), to see if in the end we achieve that there are those who are aware, even a little, that in matters of motherhood it is better to talk when asked.

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In Babies and more | Is it compulsory to collect and breastfeed for six years to educate children with respect? Mothers who cannot do more, How to be a passive witness to the failure of breastfeeding

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