Exercise during pregnancy: general recommendations (II)

Following the advice that will make the exercise during pregnancy provide all the benefits to both us and babies, we stop at new general guidelines for physical activity in the most appropriate way.

Because from the exercise plan to the clothes or the time of day they are important when it comes to getting the most out of the exercise during pregnancy. Above all, let's think we are helping each other to have a healthier pregnancy, childbirth and baby.

  • Include the exercise in our daily routine, assigning a specific time (or several) of the day: before starting the day or at the end of the day, mid-afternoon ... It will be an activity in our usual schedule.

  • feeding It is important especially if you exercise. Before its completion, you have to eat. You should not exercise on an empty stomach, as we would lack energy, although not immediately after eating food (especially in large quantities) as it could cause a digestion cut.

  • After exercise, the calories burned must be compensated for our body to meet your needs.
  • Hydration It is essential, before, during and after the exercise. Replenish fluids, especially if you sweat a lot or are hot days, prevents problems such as dehydration, heat stroke, poor circulation ...
  • The clothes must be adequate for the occasion. Loose garments that do not hinder movements and fabrics that allow perspiration are the most appropriate, from underwear to pants or jackets. It is convenient to wear several layers of clothes to get rid of them or wear some when we start to sweat or notice that we get cold.
  • Too Footwear It has to be comfortable, we probably have to buy bigger sneakers of our usual number due to swollen feet. The shoes must protect the joints.
  • Beware of the surfaces on which we exercise. For heating or stretching on the floor, better soft or padded floors that do not slip. On the outside, it is convenient to avoid irregular surfaces so that we are protected against loss of balance due to our displaced center of gravity, which we are not accustomed to.
  • Due to the displaced center of gravity and the laxest joints due to pregnancy, we must be aware of the increased risk of accidents, especially falls, and therefore we must exercise with caution.
  • Fragment time that we dedicate to the exercises in several brief sessions it is highly recommended, especially at the end of pregnancy, so as not to run out or recharge our muscles.
  • The breathing should be smooth and fluid, we will have to inspire through the nose and exhale through the mouth, not retaining the air in the exercises, as this increases blood pressure.
  • It is important to control heart rate to know the intensity with which we exercise. It is recommended not to exceed 130 beats per minute to avoid overloading the cardiovascular system.
  • Stay cool, do not go out during the hottest days in the central hours of the day. The environments that increase the mother's body temperature by more than 3.5 degrees Celsius can be dangerous, since the blood is sent in greater quantity to the skin in an attempt to reduce the temperature, so the fetus receives less watering . On extreme weather days you can choose to exercise indoors, in the gym or walk through conditioned places.
  • Finally, the psychological factor is also important. You have to turn the exercise into a diversion, not in an obligation. Keeping the body ready will allow us to feel good also psychologically, we will stay active until the end of pregnancy and it will be another entertainment. The exercise in company, of the dad, of other women in state or of friends can help to make it more enjoyable.

Video: First Trimester Fitness (July 2024).