Letters to the exclusive Magi of Babies and more

A few days ago we brought you the possibility of printing two models of letters for Santa Claus. Today we do the same with the best known and expected Christmas gift bearers: the three wise men.

There is less than a month left and I know that many children have already written their letter and many others are among drafts, crossing out gifts they wanted and adding those they had discarded.

For all those children who still doubt and therefore have not sent it yet, or for those who prefer to make their letter with a little color, we offer these two letters for the Magi exclusive to Babies and more. To download or print them you just have to click on the image to enlarge it (so that it occupies the size of a DIN A4 you may have to zoom in the browser once the image has been opened):

I hope you like them and that they serve you. In a few days we will publish a sample letter that you can modify to your liking so that Santa Claus respond to children You have already sent your letter. Do not miss it!