Survey: who takes care of your children under three years?

Today we bring to our pages a survey to know what are the ways in which our readers decide to take care of their children during their first three years, before they start school.

We refer, of course, in the case of working parents, at the time the maternity and / or paternal leave period ends and they have to decide who takes care of their babies. Obviously multiple answers can be given, in that case we ask you to answer the predominant option over time.

The proposed options are as follows:

  • Mom, in case you don't work and take care of the baby she.
  • The same for dad.

  • The grandparents, in the case that the parents work and they are the ones who take care of the baby during the day.

  • A nanny, someone outside the family, who could be an internal person, a person hired by the hour or an au-pair.
  • The nursery schools, understood by them both public child education schools and private centers that are authorized by the competent administrations and which are called "private child education centers" (we also include "two-year classrooms".
  • The nurseries and play centers, which are not authorized as educational centers, do not have specialized personnel, have more flexible schedules and are paid by the hour.

I remind you that you can leave your comments in the survey or in the post to clarify the answers. We will offer the results soon. Beforehand, Thanks for participating.

Video: Can Dads Answer Questions About Their Kids? (July 2024).