She is Nigerian, she is five years old and Internet users have classified her as "the most beautiful girl in the world"

Jare is Nigerian and is only five years old, but she is already considered by many Internet users as "the most beautiful girl in the world". His gaze captivated the photographer Mofe Bamuyiwa, who decided to use it as a model in his professional photographs and promote it through his Instagram account.

The snapshots of the girl have been viralized in a matter of days, and although many praise the stunning beauty of the little, others do not hesitate to criticize the excessive hypersexualization of photographs, as well as the abusive use of photoshop. As we have seen on other occasions ... the controversy is served!

The story of Jare and his sisters

"Oh yes! He is a human being. And he is also an angel". With these words, the photographer Mofe Bamuyiwa introduced the little five-year-old Jare, to whom he discovered in Nigeria with his two sisters, Joba and Jomiloju, of seventeen years respectively.

The photographer was captivated by the look of little Jare, and decided to make a report that he has shared on his social networks, generating tens of thousands of comments that have quickly viralized the image of the girl.

Oh yes she's human! She's also an angel! "J A R E" I want to portray the interception between her childhood and adulthood so both stay timeless! I could have made her smile and make her laugh out loud but I put her in their natural moments for us to see through their eyes! Posing them as adults! Was my trick to create it a timeless portrait! JARE, when you clock 21 remember to do same pose and style TEAM Muse: @ the_j3_sisters Make up by Dammy of @iposhlooks Creative style direction @mofebamuyiwa Hair by @totalshopwigs Hair styled by @hairkarved Styled by @styledbyseun Assisted by @adebimpe_aj @ernest_chuxx @ official_bigjosh #bmbstudio #bmbphotography #mofebamuyiwa #kids #kidsphotography #artsy #love #light #childphotographer #familyphotography

A shared publication of BMBSTUDIO (@mofebamuyiwa) on Jul 20, 2018 at 3:04 PDT

A shared publication of BMBSTUDIO (@mofebamuyiwa) on Jul 20, 2018 at 10:55 PDT

A shared publication of BMBSTUDIO (@mofebamuyiwa) on Jul 20, 2018 at 12:23 PDT

But the objective of Bamuyiwa's camera has also focused on Jomi, seven, who has been photographed in an attitude and pose very similar to that of her sister:

A shared publication of BMBSTUDIO (@mofebamuyiwa) on Jul 26, 2018 at 11:35 PDT

Most Internet users have highlighted the "dazzling beauty" of girls, and many have listed Jare as "the prettiest in the world", a label that other girls like Anastasia Knyazeva, Kristina Pimenova or Thylane Blondeau previously took away.

As the ABC newspaper explains, it has been the photographer himself who has encouraged the mother of the little ones to open an Instagram account with photographs of her daughters (thej3sisters), which in a matter of days has exceeded 19,000 followers.

Hypersexualization and excess photoshop

Mofe Bamuyiwa has not hesitated to state that with his photographs he has wanted combine childhood and maturity through the poses of the models. And there is no doubt that he has achieved it, because admiring his work anyone would say that Jare or Jomi are only five and seven years old.

And this hypersexualization is precisely one of the most criticized aspects by Internet users, along with the abusive use of photoshop, makeup and extravagant hairstyles:

"I know it's about artistic photographs, but it's very sad to see that wig, makeup and Photoshop that make The image of this little girl does not correspond to her natural state"

"They say that she is possibly the most beautiful girl in the world: but how will she feel when she looks in the mirror and sees a reflection of herself that does not correspond to that of photography? We must be more cautious when it comes to impressionable children "- said an Internet user.

"Pretty yes, like many other children. I hate when they say that of "the most beautiful girl in the world." What kind of label is that for putting some children? Why isn't the girl shown as she is, with her own eyes and hair? They are children!"

"I like it without retouching. One thing is to retouch the photograph of an adult client or an adult model. But children do not need touchups, or should be minimal. I am against changing facial features. Eliminating skin imperfections is fine, but making a person look like plastic seems too much to me, especially when it comes to children. "

"And we don't ask why there is child pornography? Please let the children be and act like children!

It is undeniable that these sisters are beautiful, but in my view there is no need to resort to adult poses, hypersexualization and photo retouching to show their innate beauty. In fact, if we compare these artistic photographs with others published by his mother on Instagram, we find notable differences:

A shared post by Joba, Jomiloju & Jare Ijalana (@ the_j3_sisters) on Jul 19, 2018 at 5:19 p.m.

I am very fond of photography and one of the things I like most is to capture the essence of children through the lens, photograph their spontaneity, their open smile and the sparkling sparkle that always transmit their eyes.

I understand that there are differences between a professional artistic photography and a homemade photograph, but still I wonder: is it necessary to resort to so many tweaks in the case of children of such a young age? Why do we strive to make them grow early? How can it affect a girl carrying the label of "the most beautiful in the world"?

That's why I loved the snapshot that Jare's mother has published, where the little girl is seen smiling with her sisters, showing naturalness and complicity in a single gesture. No touch-ups, no forced hairstyles and no guided adult poses: being just girls.

Photos | @mofebamuyiwa

Video: The World Has A New Most Beautiful Girl In The World (June 2024).