Some intimate lubricants alter sperm quality

In Babies and more We have talked several times about factors that can impair sperm quality.

For example, tobacco, very hot baths, ozone or age, among others.

A study published by Reuters Health, after investigating the effects of 5 brands of vaginal lubricant on sperm, states that only one significantly reduced sperm's ability to swim (motility) or the integrity of the chromosome genetic material.

The data is important, since many sexually active couples use vaginal lubricants, and perhaps they have not considered that they may have negative effects on semen quality.

The Ohio team of researchers studied the effects of FemGlide, Pre ~ Seed, Replens, Astroglide and K-Y Jelly lubricants. According to the analysis of semen samples, only the Pre ~ Seed intimate moisturizer had a minimal negative effect on the motility and quality of chromatin.

This fact could be due, according to experts, to the more physiological pH and its more isotonic formula than in the other products, although they also point out that large-scale in vivo studies are needed to prove it.

What seems clear is that, as medical studies and research progress, new factors are discovered that confirm that in our current lifestyle, sperm are becoming less and slower.

Video: Understanding Male Infertility (July 2024).