Children of another world

Children of another world. This is the title of a surprising article published in the weekly Country of September 14. And I say surprising because from a serious and respectful point of view addresses the issue of so-called "indigo children". The author, Xavier Guix, is an eminent psychologist who collaborates with this publication.

They are extraordinary children, who express themselves empathically and suffer misunderstanding because of their special skills. Aggression paralyzes and stuns them until they escape disorderly behavior or introversion. They end up being typecast in labels like gifted, hyperactive or spoiled. They are simply different and need to be treated in a way that does not violate their delicate nature. We don't really know where they can grow.

Those who recognize them thus point out that they are an evolutionary step of the human being that gradually moves away from violence. I don't know if that's true. But I do know some of those luminous children who scare and amaze their parents and teachers, but who seem doomed to misunderstanding. Of course I assure you that this article, without esoteric visos, shows a way of understanding them that we can surely learn a lot.

Video: Izayoi Vs Water God (July 2024).