Another baby is diagnosed with cancer thanks to a flash photo

When more than a year ago the news went viral a three-month-old baby had gone blind because of the flash of a camera many parents deactivated the flashes of their mobile phones to prevent something like this from happening to their children. However, in Babies and more We explained that the cause of his blindness could not be a flash photo, among other things because if it were true today there would be thousands of blind babies around the world for this reason.

The fact is that the flash is not only not so bad (it is very annoying, yes, and that is why it should be avoided whenever possible), but it can also be helpful in some specific cases, such as to discover a pathology that a baby already has. Come on, today is not the first baby diagnosed thanks to the flash of a camera, so we could not title this entry otherwise: another baby is diagnosed with cancer thanks to a flash photo.

The baby was eight months old when the photo was taken

As we read in OkDiario, it was the mother, Jade bell, 27, who took the picture. When he saw the result, he couldn't help noticing the whitish reflex which caused the flash to pass the light through the pupil, and suspected that it could be a sign of something important.

It was then that he requested a visit with his daughter's pediatrician Tyraah, who referred the case to the hospital Royal Berkshire Hospital, in the United Kingdom. There they made several tests that were evaluated in the Royal London Hospital, where doctors were the ones who confirmed that the girl had cancer.

Tyraah had a retinoblastoma

The girl, alone eight months, he already had a retinoblastoma when the mother took the picture, so what they did in the hospital was to study the case and make the diagnosis that confirmed the mother's fear.

Thus, little Tyraah began the treatments and subsequent controls with the hope that it was one of 98% of children who overcome this cancer, so it was. Now the girl is almost three years old and leads a life almost as normal as that of any other baby, because the disease has affected her vision very little.

All you have to do is go to a review every eight months, to see that everything goes well and that the girl can continue growing normally.

Why do we find out about this now? Because the mother decided to share her story to talk about cancer, her daughter's illness, how hard it can be and that, even if it seems a lie, she detected it herself, with a flash photo.

Video: Divorced Couple Looks At Their Wedding Photos (July 2024).