Tips to overcome fatigue in the first days after delivery

After delivery, with the baby at home, a new stage begins. It is a moment of happiness, but at the same time it is normal for the mother to feel exhausted and overwhelmed by so many responsibilities and emotions.

The immediate postpartum can be somewhat disconcerting and above all, they are very tired days for the recent mother. Both the hormones and the feelings are in full effervescence, the baby leaves little time to sleep and on top “you have to fulfill” the housework, the iron, the laundry, the food, etc.

It is a period in which the mother should focus on the baby and enjoy both that initial crush. Keep in mind that excessive fatigue can trigger postpartum depression. To avoid it, let's talk about some tips to overcome fatigue in the first days after delivery.

Help from others

He couple and family support It is a fundamental pillar for the mother at the moment. Having someone to delegate some of the housework will allow the mother to devote herself exclusively to the care of the baby. It is an invaluable help, especially if there are more children to attend to.

If you don't have extra help, the important thing is that you focus on your baby. The little one needs all your attention and dedication. Enjoy your baby, don't be overwhelmed by housework. The first days are very important for the creation of the bond between the mother and her son. Before this, any iron can wait. You focus on what is really important, your baby.

Sleep while you can

The hours of sleep do not reach. There are very few newborn babies who sleep at a stretch or wake up once at night. The normal thing is that the awakenings are continuous.

Fatigue makes a dent in the mother's organism, it has less energy and that affects the baby's care.

The recommendation is "sleep while you can." That is, try to sleep or at least rest when the baby sleeps. Sleeping, even a few minutes, will make you feel great.

If you also collect with the baby or sleep next to you, you can breastfeed at night without getting up. Thus, neither he nor you will reveal so much. Over time, I say it from experience, you will continue sleeping while the baby breastfeeds at night.

A time for you

Besides sleeping, there are other routines that comfort the soul. Find something you like to do: read, watch a movie, listen to music, dance, take a relaxing bath, practice relaxation, yoga ... whatever.

It will help you to change the chip and recharge the batteries. It is a way of resting doing something you like. Taking time for yourself will help you renew to dedicate yourself to the baby with more energy.

A good diet

Feeding is very important during pregnancy, but it is also important during breastfeeding and postpartum.

The mother's organism you need the energy that food providesThat is why the diet must be varied rich in fruits and vegetables with a good supply of vitamins and minerals.

It is important to make five meals a day, emphasizing a complete breakfast that helps eliminate fatigue and start the day full of vitality.

Eat a diet rich in fiber (vegetables, fruits, whole grains), reduce the consumption of saturated fats, eat fish, lean meats and semi-skimmed dairy. Control sugars, chocolates, soda and other high-calorie foods. Steamed or grilled food.

For its part, avoid coffee, spicy foods and cola drinks.

A morning walk with the baby

Daylight and taking oxygen helps eliminate fatigue. A morning walk with the baby will be great for catch energy for the rest of the day.

As soon as you feel ready to go outside, you should take it as a daily routine. Put on comfortable clothes and shoes and go for a walk.

It is not a competition, go at your own pace. Although it was not the best night, taking a walk will help you change the mood and give you vitality.

In addition, daily exercise, along with adequate food will help you recover the figure before delivery.

Exercise sessions with the baby

In the postpartum period, the return to exercise must be gradual. But when you're ready (they say it's best to wait at least a month) you can start slowly doing exercise sessions with the baby. Although they are soft and only for a while, for example, in the afternoon, they will serve as a natural restorative.

If you are not ready for exercise yet, wait a while longer because improper exercise after childbirth can cause incontinence and muscle problems. You can replace the exercise with pampering sessions with the baby. It is one of the activities that mother and baby enjoy most.

Couple's pampering

It is a time when the couple's pampering is a balm for the soul. Feeling accompanied and loved is very comforting, especially in the first days after delivery. The baby is the center of all eyes, but the mother also needs support and understanding.

A massage session before going to bed, it can come in handy to release accumulated attention and get a restful sleep at least as long as you sleep.

As we have said before, the puerperium is an intense stage. I hope these tips help you overcome the fatigue of the first days after delivery and thus have more vitality to fully enjoy your baby.

Video: How to Stop Being TIRED All the Time (July 2024).