$ 500 for not aborting

Making my journey through the news of the web, I found a very controversial that I did not want to miss.

Dan Patrick, a senator from Houston (United States) has proposed a law to pay mothers $ 500 to give their baby up for adoption instead of abortion.

There are those who consider it a measure that borders on ethical limits, as it could be understood as a kind of sale of babies.

For his part, the conservative senator, who also tries to ban abortion in Texas, argues that his intention is to save as many babies as possible and discourage women from having abortions.

He added that the money would be handed over to the mother by the administration that would then take care of the baby's adoption procedures.

As expected, his project has raised several criticisms in all sectors, including from some anti-abortion associations that consider the issue to be treated with caution.

In the same vein, in the state of South Carolina, it is contemplated to force women to see the ultrasounds of babies in pregnancy to convince them not to abort.

I think abortion is a very complex and personal decision that I don't justify but I don't judge either. Although measures would be better to avoid unwanted pregnancies, the monetary incentive is still an alternative for some women to think twice before aborting.

What do you think? Do you see it right to pay women because they give their babies for adoption instead of abortion? Do you think it is a possible way to reduce the number of abortions?

Video: Baby Born at 24-Weeks With Feet The Size Of Pennies Beats All Odds (June 2024).