Today we stay at home: ideas to entertain the kids

Although the cold is not an impediment to go out with the little ones, there are days when time or viruses make it impossible to leave home with them. We know that keeping them entertained for a whole day can be exhausting.

That is why we propose a batch of stimulating indoor activities What can you do with the little ones in the house so they can have fun and move a little. So they will be entertained and the hours will not be eternal without being able to go for a walk.

Crafts for kids

It is no accident that teachers carry out these types of activities with their youngest students. According to teachers, crafts have many advantages for children. Manual works stimulate the child's learning In several facets: they develop fine psychomotor skills and imagination, increase the creative abilities of children, relax them, help them concentrate and serve as a vehicle for emotional expression.

Crafts stimulate the child's learning

Also, of course, they are very fun. That is why they are a fantastic alternative to spend a rainy afternoon with the family or the morning of a boring Sunday.

Young children are very entertaining modeling modeling clay, painting with their fingers, coloring with colored waxes, filling plastic bottles with sand or legumes of different colors, threading large wooden beads with woolen threads to make necklaces and cheerful garlands or playing with stickers

Cook something delicious with them

The kitchen is a fascinating place for kids and has multiple benefits for them. Although we must be careful not to hurt themselves with anything and keep them away from fires, pans and pots; There are simple recipes that we can prepare with your help. For example, a homemade cake.

The kitchen entertains children and has multiple benefits for them

Simple recipes that allow kids to work with their hands stimulate their senses. In their first stage of growth, children develop all their senses: touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing. That's why exploring the world of cooking will be motivating and It will foster your learning process.

By performing simple culinary tasks such as kneading, stirring, pouring liquids or mixing ingredients, children have fun exploring new aromas, flavors and textures while develop their fine and thick motor skills. In addition, feeling useful helping you and playing "older things" increases your mood and your level of self-esteem.

That the children participate in the tasks of the kitchen manipulating food tempts them to try recipes and food that otherwise they would not try, thus expanding the variety of their diet.

Do not forget to explain to your child the whole process while cooking together. So will it go too learning the name of each thing or ingredient that you use and encourage you to increase your level of language and vocabulary.

Watch a movie with the kids

Surely there are many children's films that you are willing to share with your children. Choose a story from cartoon with moral It will allow you to educate your kids in values ​​while having fun with the adventures of their favorite characters.

Choose a children's film that educates children in values

That children watch too much television is not good for them, but there is a time and place for everything and a day of forced confinement at home is a great opportunity to gather the whole family and use the cinema as an excuse to spend time together.

The key is to find the balance: if we alternate a drawing session with other stimulating activities, over time the children will know how to appreciate the fair value of each thing and dedicate the appropriate time to each of them.

Take advantage of indoor toys

Play is important for children. Through the game it is how they learn things and relate to the world around them. There are many indoor toys on the market, but not all are equally suitable for children.

Cooperative board games, educational or simulation toys and interactive dolls enhance the development and learning of children. There's also indoor toys used for exercise and that the kids move a little precisely when they can't enjoy the outdoors.

Playing is important: children learn by playing

Baby Rodeo de Chicco is a four-in-one evolutionary runner: a rocker, a runner, has an activity center with light and sound in the head and is also a fun interactive horse that stimulates the child's play and physical activity.

It is also a little horse with which can interact as if it were a real horse and responds to the stimuli of the kids with actions and sounds: by stroking it, open and close your eyes; and if they feed him his carrot, he will chew. So the child can learn the cause-effect relationship and will enhance their sensitivity to animals.

With this varied repertoire of ideas, you will surely find it as easy as fun to entertain your children at home when time or viruses prevent you from going for a walk with them. Performing stimulating activities children will not miss the park for a few days.

In Chicco Moments

  • Seven games to stimulate children's imagination and learning

  • The kids have their tastes when dressing, let them choose

  • How to get your baby to like vegetables (and more)

Images | iStock / soleg / prostooleh.