Legislative reforms to protect children: prohibition of working with children for those convicted of sexual crimes

As three days ago, we reflected on the alleged 'obligation' for children to collaborate at home, included in the preliminary draft Law on Child Protection; today we will talk about established measures to protect children from sexual abuse.

Here we had anticipated that according to a proposal made by the Generalitat de Catalunya on the modification of the Criminal Code. This proposal requested that those convicted of sexual abuse of minors, could not perform work in contact with children, there was also talk of the creation of a public record of sex offenders. Well, one of the draft bills of law reform, presented in the Council of Ministers; It already specifies the prohibition of developing jobs in which children are related to persons convicted of crimes against sexual freedom. And although the content is controversial for some people, in my opinion the decision is most accurate.

In other words, 'to access professions whose performance involves habitual contact with minors, it will be an essential requirement not to have been convicted of crimes against sexual freedom, trafficking and exploitation of minors'

The intention is to prioritize the best interests of the child; Therefore, when the reform of the Law is in force, the judges may prohibit the approach to the child, as well as to their domicile or educational center. Nor would it be possible to have any written, verbal or visual contact with the child.

There is an agreement called Lanzarote (of the Council of Europe), regarding sexual exploitation and abuse. And our Government intends to assume the established measures. In its article 5 it can be read: '… the need to guarantee the requirement that the professionals related to minors (education, health, social protection, among others) have not been convicted of this type of acts ...

Will be forced too inform the Prosecutor's Office of any event that could constitute a crime against a minor, by public authorities, officials and professionals, who know such facts in the exercise of their profession. Failure to do so will be considered a crime of omission. Recall that as Vicki Bernadet told us, in the Criminal Code it is specified that anyone who suspects a risk situation in minors is obliged to communicate.

If it's about protecting the children of this scourge who are the ASIs, any kind of social or legislative measure is welcome. Apart from this, there are considerations such as the suitability of a sex offender registry, a common practice in these countries. In my opinion, these are such serious crimes, which I do not see because there are so many reluctance, and more knowing the difficulties for the rehabilitation of people who commit such crimes.

Certainly - although in some media it has been said that the preliminary draft includes the creation of a register of sex offenders - in the Moncloa document below, I have not found anything about it -.

Video: Australia proposes banning convicted pedophiles from overseas travel (July 2024).