11 signs that do NOT indicate if you expect a boy or a girl

One of the things that excites many pregnant women is knowing if they expect a boy or a girl. And it is nice to imagine how our baby will be: his eyes, his hands, his hair.

Derived from that emotion of knowing what the baby's sex is, over time they have been creating and maintaining beliefs about pregnancy characteristics that supposedly define whether male or female are expected, but in reality, most are just myths. We share 11 signs that do NOT indicate if you expect a boy or a girl.

The truth is that it's fun to try to guess the sex of the baby. It is usually always a good topic of conversation and sometimes it can lead to funny conversations with our friends and family to see who is right and guesses correctly if a boy or a girl is expected.

Many of the signs we see during pregnancy and are believed to be related to the sex of the baby we expect, are still valid because thousands (or perhaps millions) of mothers claim that they are completely true because it happened to them.

However, most can only be coincidence, since in reality There is no scientific evidence to support any of the famous signs that are believed to reveal the sex of the baby.

In the same way, I share the most popular beliefs about this question that all mothers ask ourselves, because although they are not a guarantee of predicting whether we expect a boy or a girl, it is always fun to try to guess it.

1) The shape of the belly

Let's start with one of the most famous: the shape of the belly. According to popular belief, if the belly during pregnancy is large and round, a girl is expected. If the belly is shaped like a beak, then the one who is on the way is a child. But the truth is that neither the shape nor the size of the belly can predict the sex of the baby.

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2) The presence or absence of nausea

Another quite popular belief is based on a common discomfort of pregnancy: the annoying and terrible nausea. They say that if you have a lot of nausea it is because you expect a girl, if on the contrary you do not suffer from them or they are rare, it is because your baby is a boy.

3) The kind of cravings you have

During pregnancy it is common to have cravings, and according to some beliefs, the type of craving can define the sex of your baby. It is believed that if mom has cravings for sweet things, it is because she expects a girl, but if what she wants is salty things, then she expects a child.

4) Changes in your skin

It says a very popular phrase: "Girls steal beauty from mothers." By this they mean that if the mother suffers from a skin problem she did not have before pregnancy, such as acne, it is because she is waiting for a girl. On the contrary, if mom's skin looks radiant it is because in her belly she carries a child.

5) The size of your breasts

Another belief you have is about the size of the pregnant woman's breasts. According to her, if the right breast is larger than the left, a child is waiting. But the truth is that all women from before being pregnant have a bigger breast than the other, although the difference is barely visible.

Another belief related to the breasts of the pregnant woman is that when a child is expected the nipples darken. If on the contrary these do not change, then it is a girl.

6) Your baby's heart rate

It is believed that if the baby's heartbeat is more than 140 per minute, it is a girl. If they are less than this amount, then your baby will be a child.

7) The shape of your face

This is very similar to what says that according to the shape of your belly you know what you expect. If the shape of your face changes and becomes more round, you expect girl. If he stays the same, he is a child.

8) The amount of weight you gain

If you gain a lot of weight during pregnancy and notice that your waist is wider, you expect girl. If you have barely gained a few pounds, then it will be a child. The truth is that weight gain during pregnancy will depend on our diet, so it is important to have a balanced diet.

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9) The temperature of your feet

A not very common belief, but also commented among the grandmothers, is that the temperature of the pregnant woman's feet indicates what she is waiting for. According to this belief, if you have cold feet you expect a child, if on the contrary the feet are warm, it will be a girl.

10) The amount of hair on your body

It is believed that women expect a child when they begin to notice that there is increased hair on their body or when it appears in other parts where they barely had hair. It is also believed that if the pregnant woman wears a radiant hair it is because they expect a child.

11) Dreams during pregnancy

Another popular belief is that what we dream during pregnancy shows us what the sex of our baby is. If the mother dreams of circles and rounded figures it is because she expects a girl, instead if she dreams of forming pointed ones, she is a boy.

Although it is fun to try to get it right, the truth is that None of these signs can tell us with certainty the sex of the baby. Regardless of whether any of these beliefs coincided with the way in which we live our pregnancy, the true moment in which we can be completely and undoubtedly sure of the sex of our baby is when it is born, since it has happened that even ultrasound fail.

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