82.7% of children between 0 and 3 years old are out of school

Yesterday, the new magazine of the Social Economic Council (CES), Cauces, where the president of the institution, Marcos Peña, was presented. In the publication you can read many topics of interest, among which we find this: “In Spain there is no specific public state policy on childcare and we must continue working to increase the number of childcare centers, an area in which Advances have been very modest. ” We know it, right?

Recall that we have a mandate from the European Union, the creation of 300,000 nursery places so that in 2010, 33 out of every 100 children under 3 years of age had access to the nursery and statistics say that 82.7% of children between 0 and 3 years old are not in school. Peña said that the lack of preschool places is a serious issue, since it affects the incorporation of women into work and social cohesion, of course. In addition, they affirm that early schooling, from two years of age, collaborates in emotional, social, cognitive and psychomotor development, also preventing school failure. In that aspect we could disagree, because that depends on the dedication of the parents who are in charge of the children and also of the nursery educators.

Regarding the last aid granted by the Spanish government, the CES experts warn that these types of benefits do not replace the lack of nursery places. The exhibition sounds good, we will see how it evolves.

Video: TAYLOR SWIFT SPOOF 22 (July 2024).