Eating habits in children 1 to 3 years old

We know the importance of a varied diet, especially in children, so that they learn to eat everything. It is time to discover flavors, textures and colors to enter them into the great world of gastronomy.

It is also the time for lay the foundation for a healthy eating habits and to instill a positive attitude towards food.

Their diet is increasingly influenced by the family's food tastes, even sometimes they are maniacal or reluctant to eat certain foods that they don't accept today, but tomorrow maybe.

At this age, rather from a year and a half, they are already able to drink with a straw and eat with a spoon. Many times they are fanaticized so much and since they are in the “I alone” stage, they don't want to eat if they don't do it themselves. Try to have your own dish and glass. Surely, after the incorporation of egg white and fish, the child eats almost all kinds of food.

Although children do not stop growing, at this stage they do so at a slower pace than during the first year. At the end of the third year they are supposed to be half their adult height.

It is very important to keep in mind that we are drawing the nutritional map of our children, which will mark their attitude with food for the rest of their lives. We all know the serious consequences of eating disorders, but few realize that food must be educated from the cradle.

Video: Tips for parents of picky eaters (July 2024).