When back to school is a trauma

There are children who start classes and stay in school delighted with life, but for others the transition from vacations to the daily routine is not so easy, just as happens to adults.

In some cases the period of adaptation can become a trauma, some children are altered, they can even get sick or suffer psychic disorders caused by the stress that causes them to return to school.

I just left my girl in school, luckily she looks great, but it is not the case of a classmate who kicked the walls of the class with a loud scream. "It's normal," said the teacher.

From such tantrums to lollipops for not wanting to get up or get dressed, reluctance and lack of interest with everything related to school are the typical symptoms of post-vacation trauma, which fortunately for both parents and teachers, is a passing disorder.

It should not take more than a couple of weeks for your child to adapt to the new situation, beyond that time it would be convenient to talk with the teacher if you notice that he may be depressed or that he shows too much rejection to school.

As parents, what we can do is facilitate their adaptation as much as possible. In previous articles we have already given some advice to put into practice to alleviate the return to school routine and make the beginning of classes for the little ones more bearable.

We must create positive attitudes towards the school, show safety and confidence, exchange with the teacher all the information that facilitates a greater knowledge of the children and not instinctively interrelate them about their activity in the school.

In this period it is not advisable to still point the child in extracurricular activities, since excess responsibility can pose even more stress for the child. If you have not yet been able to adapt to the school, it is not convenient to add more obligations.

If the children are older, they should contact the books and topics that they will discuss before the beginning of classes. There are children who fear novelty, and in that way, they will feel that they are somewhat more prepared.

The adjustment period is not only for children, parents are also altered to a greater or lesser extent to adapt to the new routine and want it not, the child also perceives it. We must try not to transfer our own anxiety to the little ones who already have enough with their own adaptation.

Video: TRAUMATIC FIRST DAY OF HIGH SCHOOL senior year (July 2024).