Pregnant women should limit intake of some fish

Specialists recommend that pregnant women limit the intake of some types of fish because of their high mercury content.

Despite the health benefits that a diet rich in fish can have, due to its high content of proteins and omega 3 fatty acids among other essential nutrients, currently the North American Medicines Agency (FDA) and the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States due to the increasing industrial pollution in oceans and seas, which nowadays most fish can contain traces of mercury, warn about the risks associated with the intake of some fish, especially in pregnant women and young children ,

The risks are associated with the amount of mercury that is ingested, since the mercury although it is eliminated by the organism, this process can take a while. Among the fish that should be limited more, are shark meat, swordfish, mackerel or albacore, as they are some of the species that accumulate greater amounts of metal.

Despite the warnings regarding mercury levels, specialists clarify that fish is still a healthy food for all ages and essential in a healthy diet.

Among the risks to the baby's health associated with high concentrations of mercury are: severe damage to the nervous system that can cause death, brain damage, learning disabilities and hearing loss.

Video: Health & Nutrition : Eating Healthy While Pregnant (July 2024).