New details on British breastfeeding protection law

Not long ago Lola told us about the new law whereby the British may breastfeed their children in public without being accused of indecency. But thanks to the friends of the Breeding with Attachment Association We have received the complete information. This law is not as pretty as they paint it, on the contrary.

It's great that a mother who feeds her child is not going to be denounced as indecent. But it should be noted that this law only mentions mothers with babies under six months. The media have barely echoed all the obvious implications: mothers who breastfeed a baby older than six months in public are not protected and if they can be accused of indecency. Amazing but true. "

This law implies a minimum progress with respect to the previous situation but it must be taken into account that it means putting an exact date at the moment when it will be indecent.

The World Health Organization Y UNICEF recommend that the Breastfeeding It is the only food until six months of the baby and then serves as a complementary food for at least two years. Breast milk remains the food of children at least until that age. This should be pointed out so that the ignorance of the importance of human milk does not grow after six months.

Prohibiting children from being fed in a way that is healthier for them in public is a way of violating their fundamental rights. It is strange that the British government does not protect children over six months. All of this makes me think that this law, no matter how much an advance may be compared to the previous situation, is discriminatory towards women and children.

Video: Medical Law 1 - Human Rights Act 1998 (June 2024).